Chapter 12

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Ashley's P.O.V

I say in the hotel room, looking at the ceiling.

Matt left for the rest of the day and mahogany went with them.

I look over at my phone, Matt hadn't texted me.

I look on twitter. There was so much hate, hate, hate hate.

I'm such a failure, this is why I can't be alone cause I think and thinking is bad. No wonder Matt cheated on me, I'm a mess a failure no one likes me.

I look up at the wall.


That's never really crossed my mind, it came up every know and then.

It's for the best, everyone will be happy. I get up and walk around the room.

Kill yourself

Just do it.

Do it.

Do it matt will be happy that your gone.

I look over at the cabinet, and grab and grab a bottle of pills.

I poured them into my hand and looked at them.

"Swallow them" I say.

I keep looking at them.

"Ashley" I say to myself.

I look at the pills in my hand, I move them around.

I put them back In the container and throw it across the room.

"I'm such a coward" I say.

Im just gonna go to sleep.

I curl up into bed.

And fall asleep.

I open my eyes and sit up.

Where am I.

"I see your awake" a man says smiling at me, I look over at Matt he was tied up.

"Matt" I say looking around.

"Know ashley your gonna tell me exactly what happened" he says putting a gun to Matts head.

"What are you talking about" I say.

"If you don't tell me I'm gonna shot your pretty boy" he says, Matt kept looking at me.

"No no don't I have no Idea what your talking about" I say.

"It's okay" Matt says to me.

"Tell me or all sit him" the guys says.

"I don't know okay please don't shot him please" I say my body shaking.

"TELL ME OR HE DIES" the man screams.

"No don't please" I scream looking at Matt, he was shaking.

"You have 20 seconds" he says.

"I don't know please don't hurt him" I say.

"You are willing to lie for this" he says.

"No I have no idea what your talking about" I say I want to cry but I can't Matt might die and it's my fault.

"Yell me or all pull the trigger" he says.

"I don't know" I say.

"Last chance" he says putting the gun closer to his head.

"STOP" I scream.

"Matt" he says.


Matts body fell over.

"MATT" I scream.

"Know look what you did" he says.

"MATTHEW" I scream.

"Ashley" Matthews says shaking me.

I open my eyes.

"Matt" I say grabbing his shirt.

"It's okay it's a dream" he says playing with my hair.

"Your okay" I say looking at him.

"Yes I'm fine" he says looking at me.

"Your okay" I say putting my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry, it's okay just a bad dream" he says.

I close my eyes again and listen to Matt talk.

"What happened" he says.

"Um, I woke up in a room with a guy he tied you up and he was gonna kill you unless I told him something but I didn't know what and he shot you" I say.

"Well I'm here so it's okay" he says.

"Okay" I said.

"Go back to bed baby all be right here" he said pulling me closer to him.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you ash" he says and I fall asleep.

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