Chapter 8

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Ashley's P.O.V

We where walking to the beach, it was Matt, me, mahogany, Cameron, Nash, Taylor, Carter, jack and jack, Hayes. The others stayed home, except Sammy had to he was sick.

"Here" Nash says setting down a towel.

"Okay" I say laying my towel out, mahogany out hers right next to mine.

"Let's go in the water" Matt says.

"I can't" I says looking down at my wrist.

"Oh yea" he says making a face.

"You go I have mahogany" I say looking at her.

"Truth or date in the water" Nash says and they all run out.

"There so dumb" mahogany says and we lay down.

I watched the boys make funny videos and do dates when Carter and Nash Cameron running up to us.

"Hey" mahogany said.

They didn't says anything, they laid in top of us and started to grind, Carter was on me, Nash was on mahogany.

"Stop" I says laughing.

Mahogany couldn't stop laughing. They stopped and high fives each other.

"Matt is gonna kill me but a date is a dare" Carter said smiling.

I look over at Matt he is looking over, so is everybody else.

"We'll go back to your game" I say and they run of.

"There so pointless" mahogany says.

"That was the weirdest thing ever" I say.

"I don't mind Nash, famous viner grinding on me" she says smiling.

"Haha well Matt is probably mad" I say.

"Nah he is cool with things like that" she says.

"Hey" Cameron yells as he runs over with Nash.

"Another dare" I say.

"Yes know stand up" Nash says and we both stand up.

"Spread your legs apart" Nash says and we do.

"Cover your eyes" Cameron says.

"What why" mahogany says.

"Trust us" Cameron says and she closes her eyes, so do I.

Then I got lifted into the air and I opened my eyes. I was sitting on Nash's shoulder.

"What are you doing" I squeal grabbing his hair.

"You scared" he says.

"Maybe" I say he walks to the water.

"No no Nash I can't" I say.

"It's okay you'll be on my shoulders" he says.

"Why couldn't Matt do this" i say.

"He is a small little white kid with no muscle" Nash says.

"Haha not true" I say.

"He would drop you" he says.

"Why haven't people noticed you yet" I say looking around.

"Not the famous" he says.

"6 million followers" I say.

"With 4 billion girls" he says.

"I have like 1 million you should be grateful" I say.

"Hey" Matt says as he walks over.

"She is mine" Nash says, Matt have him a look.

"Okay okay all yours" Nash says laughing, Matt smiles and looks up at me.

"I can get down" I say.

"Your arm" Nash says.

"All live" I say and jump down I'm shorter then everyone so it was up to my chest while there at there high waist.

"You are so tiny" Matt says, I forgot about my arm and put it in the water. It stung and I flinched but kept it in the water till it felt okay.

"You okay babe" Matt said.

"Yea I'm totally cool" I said pushing my hair back.

"hey there" a girl said to Matt.

"Hi" Matt said stepping closer.

"How are you" she said stroking his arm.

"I'm gonna go back, you stay here and enjoy yourself" I said walking out of the water.

I look back and Matt was staring at me and she was talking to him. She was a lot prettier then me.

"Who is that" mahogany says.

"Matts soon to be new girlfriend" I say grabbing a bag.

Matt started to walk toward me but the girl pulled him back.

Matthews P.O.V

"So pretty boy what are you doing later" she says.

"I'm taking my girlfriend out" he says.

"Me" she says looking all happy.

"No that pretty girl that just left" I say.

"She wasn't pretty at all okay" she says.

"Leave me alone" I say.

"All tell her" she says.

"Tell her what" I say.

"That you slept with me" she says.

"But I didn't" I say.

"Who cares if you did or not if I tell her that she will dump you" she says.

"Get away" I say.

"Omg it's Nash Grier" a girl screams.

"Matthew Espinosa" another yells.

The girls start running over to us.

I run to Ashely trying to get there as fast as possible.

"Ashley" I say grabbing her hand.

She looks at me.

"Look at his ugly girlfriend" a girl says.

"Uglier in person" another says.

"She is so fat omg" a girl says.

Ashley was listening and tears came to her eyes, she let go off my hand and walked away.

"Ashley" I scream, but I couldn't get to her.

"Stop" I yelled and all the girls stopped talking.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore" I say pushing past them.

A girl grabs my arm.

"What's more important her or the reason your famous" she says.

"The reason she is leaving is cause of what got me famous" I say and run after her.

"Ashley" I yell.

I look everywhere, she had left.

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