Chapter 15

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Matthews P.O.V

"Matthew wake up" ashley says.

I open my eyes, she was looking at me.

"Hey" I say.

"We are here" she says.

"Yay okay" I say standing up.

Ashley walked of the plane, I was behind her.

When we get off the plane.

"New York" Cameron yells.

"Yes" Nash says.

I grab Ashley's hand as we walk threw the airport.

"Look" she says pointing at the city.

"It's cool isn't it" I say, I have been her a lot but ashley has never been here before.

"Look" she says pulling me over to the wall.

"It's a painting" I say.

"Yea but it's so amazing" she says.

"It's a dragon on a wall" I say laughing.

"Buts it's so cool" she says.

"Your so weird" I say.

"Ya ya lets go to the hotel" she says.

We all walk down the street looking around, the hotel is 20 miles away and the limo would be here any second.

"There is the limo" Taylor says.

"Yes I want to sleep" Shawn says.

We all get into the limo.

I sit next to Taylor and Carter and Ashley sits with Shawn and mahogany, I can't hear what there talking about.

"So Matt" Taylor says.

I look over at him.

"Yes" I say.

"You still playing on purposing" Taylor says.

"Dude really"Carter says.

"Thinking about it" I say.

"Do it first Magcon couple" Taylor says.

"What if she says no" I say.

"She won't dude your made for each other" Taylor says, I look up at ashley she is smiling and laughing.

"Wait so you aren't kidding" Carter says.

"Well" I say.

"No he isn't kidding" Taylor says.

"Do it" Carter says.

"But I mean what if she doesn't want to be my wife" I say.

"She would have dumped you then" Carter says.

"If you don't make a move I will" Taylor says.

"Are you asking to die" I say.

"Nope" he says looking at Ashley.

"Are you checking her out" I says, we got to the hotel and walk in.

"I might be" he says.

"It's on" I say and Taylor turns around and we start wrestling.

"Stop" Nash says pulling me off of him.

"Matthew" Taylor says laughing.

"You fight like a girl" I say laughing.

I pin Taylor down.

"Fine you win" Taylor says.

"Yes. I. Do" I say getting up.

"What are you doing" ashley says walking over to me.

"He fights better than he used to" Taylor says putting his arm around me.

"Practice" I say.

"Or when it's over your girl" he says patting my back and walking away.

Ashley steps closer to me and grabs my two hands.

"What happened" she said.

"Well it's a long story" I say.

"We got time" she says.

"Ugh" I say "he was checking you out"

"Wow really Is that why you both beat each other up" she says.

"Yes" I say.

"Your the most ridiculous person ever" she says.

She puts her arms around me and looks down. I pick her up and walk to the bedroom.

"Its getting late" I say.

"It's 11 pm" she says.

"Yea but it's not a 6 am kind of night" I say laying down.

"Oh look know I'm getting death threats" she says looking at her phone.

"Are you kidding" I say.

She shakes her head.

"I'm gonna make everything better okay no more hate" I tell her.

"What do you mean" she says.

"I'm gonna stop being a viner" I say.

"No no your fans need you" she says.

"All be an actor" I say.

"Are you gonna leave me" she says.

"No never" I say.

"You'll leave everyone leaves" she says and closes her eyes.

"No all stay" I say and watch her fall asleep.

"I love you" I say kissing her head.

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