Chapter 22

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Ashley's P.O.V

2 days later.

"Dammit Matthew" I say.

"WHAT" he yells at me.

"I HOPE YIUR HAPPY" I yell at him, we were fighting again. This wasn't one of are small fights Matt kissed a girl it's all over Instagram and twitter.

"VERY HAPPY" he yell back at me.



"NO I DONT" I scream back at him.

"I WISH I NEVER MET YOU" Matt yells.

I look at him as tears run down my cheek.

"THEN ALL GO" I yell.

"GOOD" he yells as I grab my bag.

"I hate you so much" I say as I walk out the door. I knew the boys could hear us we were practically screaming.

I run down the hall way and into the elevator, I watch Nash run out of the room and into matts room as Cameron runs over to me, the doors close before he gets there.

I break down and cry.

I wait for the doors to open and run out, I knew Cameron was running down the stairs.

I run out the hotel and down the street. I slow down, I want to cry so bad but not in front of all these people. I walk down am alley, it was nice and quite. About half way down i decide to go to the beach and sit by the water. It was my favorite place so mahogany knew I would be there and honestly I really need her.

I walk over to my favorite spot, in front of an ice cream parlor. I sit down in the sand, the moon was so pretty above the water. It was dark out I could barely see.

"Ashley" mahogany says, I turn my head and see her.

"Hey" I say softly.

"I'm so sorry" she says pulling me up to stand, she wraps me in a hug.

"I'm so horrible" I say tears full my eyes.

"No your not your an amazing person okay" she says pulling me toward the street.

"Do we have to go back" I ask her.

"Yes we do" she says.

We walk back to the hotel, when we get there Carter was standing there.

"You found her" Carter says.

"Right where I thought she would be" mahogany says patting my back.

"Okay" Carter says.

Mahogany grabs my hand as we walk into the elevator. When the doors open I hear Nash yelling at Matt.


Matts face was red, he looked over at me.

"ASHLEY" he says trying to run over but Cameron and Taylor hold him back.

Carter grabs my hand and we go into my room, mahogany in the front.

He shuts the door behind him, Matt instantly starts banging on the door.

"Want me to answer" Carter ask me.

"I never want to see him again" I say.

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