Chapter 5

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Ashley's P.O.V

I walk in to me and matts room, Matt had his whole body across the bed. No room for me to sleep.

"Matthew" I say, he slowly opens his eyes.

"Hey babe" he says.

"I need room to sleep" I say giggling, he looks at his sleeping position and smiles.

"Okay" he says and rolls over, I lay down next to him and he pulls me closer to him.

"Can we talk" he says on my ear.

"Yea of course" I say.

"Are you gonna break up with me" he says.

I turn around his arms pull me closer I was shorter so I pulled my self up to see his face.

i cup my hands around his face.

"I would never do that" I say and kiss him, his grip tightens.

"I will be yours till I die" I say.

"Forever" he says.

"Forever" I say.

We fall asleep like that.

The next morning Matt wasn't there when I woke. I look over at the clock 1:13 in the afternoon. CRAP. I got up and ran downstairs.

"What's the rush" Matt says.

"I was gonna" I say but I shake my head.

"Today is our day" he says.

He pulls me into the living room with movies and candy.

"Wow Matt just like the old days" I say.

He wraps his arms around my waist and cuddles with me on the couch.

"First the book thief" I say looking at him.

He smiles at me.

"Oculus" he says.

"Matt i hate scary" I say.

"That's why where watching it" he says.

Durning the scary parts I would grab his shirt and hide my head.

Then my phone goes off.

Text from Mahogany: Very bad answer me.

I look at Matt and sit up.

I call her.

"Ashley" she says.

"What is it" I say.

"Let's go to the mall" she says.

"Um I'm having lazy day with Matt" I say.

"Jacob dumped me" she says I can tell she was crying.

"Oh I'm sorry yea I'm leaving meet you at the same spot" I say.

"Okay" she says.

I hang up and Matt is looking at me.

"I'm sorry" I say.

He doesn't say anything.

I walk over and siting his lap, he keeps looking at me.

"Jacob dumped her" I say looking at him.

"Go" Matt says smiling.

"I love you" I say.

"Starbucks" he says.

"I promise" I say and kiss him before leaving.

I take my sweat shirt off and look down.

My scars.

I put my sweatshirt back on and drive. She was waiting for me, she saw me and ran up to me. I hug her, no words nothing.

"It's okay" I say.

"I knew it was coming" she says.

"It's not your fault okay your amazing there are plenty of men out there" I say.

"Your right he isn't my forever boy" she says fluffing out her skirt.

"Let's go" she says and we walk.

We walk around for hours buying things.

"Look" mahogany says grabbing a pair of pink heels.

"Those are horrible" I say laughing.

"There sexy" she says.

"I would break my neck" I say.

"Matt would like it" she says smiling.

"Oh please he would laugh" I say.

"Never know" she says.

"Not happening, know these I like" I say showing her pink vans.

"Heels are a girls best friend" she says.

"Your a loser, come on lets go home" I say pulling her out the door.

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