Chapter 31

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Matthews P.O.V

5 years later

I sit on the living room with Nash, Cameron, Shawn, Jack G., Jack J., Taylor, and Carter. Ashley was in the kitchen with mahogany.

Thomas my son who is 4 was playing with Cameron and mahoganys child Lilly who is 4 also. I am holding Elizabeth are 1 year old daughter.

"She is so cute" Carter says.

"She is" I say.

"Named after me" Carter says.

"Elizabeth Carter Espinosa" I say.

"Yes" Carter says.

"Matthew" ashley yells.

"Coming" I say getting up and walking in the kitchen.

"Can you bring this to the boys there brownies" she says handing me them.

"Can I keep them for myself" I say.

"Yea no" she says.

"Aw" I say kissing her.

"Ew" mahogany says laughing.

"I love you princess" I say.

"I love you" she says.

"You will always be my dinosaur" I say.

"How romantic" she says.

I smile and walk back in the living room.

"Brownies" I say setting them down.

Carter was holding Elizabeth.

"Yes" Nash says diving over me.

Everyone starts laughing.

"I have news" Nash says.

"What is it" Taylor says.

"I'm taking the brownies" he yells grabbing the plate and running away.

Both jacks and Cameron run after him, Shawn and Taylor fight over a chip and me and Carter sit and talk.

"So I have news" Carter says.

"What is it" I say taking Elizabeth from him.

"Me and Emma are having a baby" he says.

"What" I say.

"Yea" he says.

"Well good luck" I say.

"What if the baby hates me" he says looking at me.

"They won't I promise" I say.

"Hey Matt" Ashley says sitting next To me.

"Hey" I say handing her Elizabeth.

"Hey Eliza" she says.

"Ashley" I say looking at her she looks up and I lean in and kiss her.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you 2" she says.

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