Chapter 9

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I walk threw the park, it was so beautiful so peaceful. No fans running over to Matt, I was alone. I think about him Being famous and me being famous. I wish I never made the first video, I would be so much happier still with Matt cause I met him when we lived back home. I got lost in thought when someone Rammed into me.

"I'm so sorry" I say helping him up, I spilled my drink everywhere.

"No it's totally my fault" he says and I look at him, he had blue eyes and blonde hair.

I smile.

"I'm so so sorry I wasn't paying attention" I say grabbing my bag.

"I'm Thomas" he says.

"Ashley" I say smiling.

"Can I buy you a knew drink" he says.

What would Matt think.

"Sure" I say walking with him.

"So Ashely you live here" he says.

"Yea I do, do you live here" I ask him.

"No visiting" he says.

"That's fun" I say.

"No not really" he says.

"Thomas" a guy calls behind us.

"Where ya been" he says looking at me.

"I'm walking" he says and the guy stands next to me.

"Who is the pretty lady" he says.

"I'm ashley" I say.

"I'm Lucas" he says.

"Where going to Starbucks" Thomas says.

"Cool" he says still looking at me.

"What" I say smiling.

"I still can't believe he picked up a chick" he says.

"Actually I ran into her so I'm getting her a new drink" he says.

"Smart boy well I got to go bye guys" he says.

"Where you going" Thomas says.

"Magcon thing with the girls" he yells.

"Crap I have to go to I'm going there" I say smiling a fake smile.

"That's cool see you around" he says and I run to a cab and go.

I look at my phone, pictures of me at the park with another guy. One where I helped him up, us waking.

Crap why can't people mind there own business.

I get out and run inside.

"Where have you been" Nash says running over.

"At the park" I say.

"With that guy" Cameron says.

"It's not what you think he ran into me and I spilled my drink and he bought me a new one" I say.

"Well Matt thinks your cheating on him" Nash says.

"Where is he" I say.

"With Carter and Taylor" mahogany says walking into the room.

I walk past them into the other room.

"Ashley" Carter says making Matt look up.

"We need to talk" Matt says.

I look over at Madison who was sitting right there.

"What" I say, Taylor leaves but Carter stays.

"Your cheating on me" he says standing up.

"No I'm not" I say looking at him.

"Yes I saw the pictures" he says.

"God Matt he ran into me, I spilled my drink everywhere and he wanted to buy me a new one" I yell back.

"Other Than the making out part" he says.

"What are you taking about" I say.

"You guys kissed" Matt says.

"What no we didn't why would you say that" I yell.

"Madison was there" Matt says.

I look at Madison who was smiling.

"If I kissed him one there would be pictures know have you seen one picture of that no I didn't think so. two Matt Im your girl friend, wait correction, was your girlfriend" I say.

"You are the worst girlfriend I have ever had" he yells.

"I wish I never met you" I yell.

"I wish we never found you in that bathroom" he yells.

I don't say anything, everyone was in there watching us.

"Thanks Matt" I say before walking away.

"Ashley" mahogany yells.

I keep walking tears fill my eyes.

I grab the limo and go back, Mahogany jumps in with me.

"What are you doing" I say.

"Going with you" she says.

"I'm leaving" I say.

"All go" she says.

I look at my phone 6 calls from Matt.

He calls again.

"Answer him" she says.

"No he wished that I died" I say.

"You wished you never met him" she says.

"That's different" I say.

"No not really" she says.

I get a call from Nash.

"Who is it" mahogany ask me.

"Nash" I say I decide to answer him.

"Hello" I say.

"Hey ashley I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Matt said.

"I knew I shouldn't have answered" I say.

"No baby please I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I sweat I trust you so much I love you baby" he says he has been crying.

"Matt" I say.

"You don't understand I need you okay baby" he says.

"All be at home okay" I say.

"All be there after the show" he says.

"Okay" I say and hang up.

"You to are meant to be" mahogany says.

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