Chapter 24

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Ashley's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning because Cameron butts threw the door.

"Ashley" he said.

"What" I say.

"You okay" he ask me.

"No" i say.

"You need to get up Magcon in an hour" he says.

"Not going" I say.

"You have to" he says.

"No I don't" I say.

"You and Matt aren't going" Cameron says.

"What do you mean matts not going" I say.

"He want go" he says.

"What" I say.

"He is sitting in the other room screaming and crying he won't put down one of you shirts you left in there" Cameron says.

"Really" I say.

"Yea" he says.

"No" I say getting up.

"Bart is gonna be mad" he says.

"Not my fault" I say.

"Then who's is it" Cameron says.

"Matts he made out with that girl" I say.

"Did he tell you what happened" Cameron says.

"Are you defending him, would you be mad if mahogany kisses some guy then told you she wished she never met you" I yell.

Cameron looks down.

"I would be mad" he says softly.

"Exactly" I say putting my hair up.

"I'm staying" mahogany says.

"no" Cameron says.

"You can't make me go" she says crossing her arms.

"No kisses for a week" Cameron says.

She looks at me.

"Staying" she says.

"2 weeks" he says.

She stands next to me.

"3 weeks" he says.

"You can't last that long" she says.

Cameron wrinkles his noes.

"Yea" he says looking down.

"Go ahead all be here" I say.

"You need me" she says.

"But the fans need you more" I say.

She smiles at me.

"All stay for half of it" she says and Cameron leaves with her.

I look at my phone, 69 new calls 126 texts.

I watch a snap chat video jack Johnson sent me.

"DAMMIT" Matthew says punching the wall.

I set my phone down and walk around the room.

"I'm over reacting" I say.

"No your not" I say out loud to myself, I keep walking around the room until I hear a knock on the door.

I jumped when I heard it.

I walk over to the door and look threw the peep hole.

Carter was standing there with his phone in his hands.

I open the door.

"Hey" he says and I let him in.

"Don't you have Magcon" I say.

"I'm staying with Matt he is a mess" he says.

"Them why aren't you with him" I say.

"He is in the shower and I can't take him crying anymore" he says.

i feel tears fall down my face.

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