Chapter 10

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Matthews P.O.V

3 days later.

Ashley was sleeping, her head on my chest. She was so amazing I love her so much. I started playing with her hair.

"Matthew" she says her eyes still closed.

"Yes babe" I say.

"This would be better if you got cookie dough" she says.

"All get you some" I say getting up.

I grabbed some cookie dough and went back up stairs. Ashley was still laying down.

"Cookie dough for my princess" I say laying down next to her.

"Your the best" she says.

I pull her closer to me and play her favorite movie.

"Divergent" she says opening her eyes.

i gave her cookie dough.

"I love you" she says.

"I love you more" I say and we watch the movie.

Ashley yells at the tv.

"LOOK AT CALEB RUN" she says laughing.

"Your so weird" I say.

"He is so hot" she says smiling.

"Hey I'm here" she says.

"I know but" she says laughing.

"Ouch that hurt" I say laughing.

"can you get more cookie dough" she says.

"Sure" I say getting up and walking out the door.

"Hey Cameron" I said he and everyone where watching a movie.

"Hey what are you and ashley doing up there" Nash says.

"Not what you think" I say grabbing cookie dough.

"Hey Madison" I say she walks over to me.

She grabs me and kisses me.

"Matthew" ashley says in a whisper.

Ashley's P.O.V

Matthew was taking forever so I decided to walk down.

I look over at Matt, he was kissing Madison.

"Matthew" I say in a whisper, he looks over at me his mouth wide open. Madison has a smile on her face.

"No ashley" he says but I put my hand up.

"Bye matt" I say walking over to the door, all the boys stood there.

"Ashley listen to me" he says as I walk to the door.

"Ashley" Matt yells.

I grab my phone and tell mahogany to pick me up.

"Listen to me" he yells as I walk out the door.

"ASHLEY" he says and people stare.

"Matthew" I say turning around.

"Listen she kissed me" he says.

"Really you want to use that excuse, you. Kissed. Back." I say.

"No I didn't" Matt says.

I see mahogany driving up

"Matt this isn't gonna work" I begin tears come to my eyes.

"It wasn't like that I swear to god" he says his voice cracking.

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