Chapter 17

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Ashley's P.O.V

"Lets head home" mahogany says.

We walk back into the car.

Matt called 6 times.

"He calls so much" I say, I decide to call Matt.

"Hey" he says.

"Hi" I say.

"How was your girls day" he says.

I look at the road, I felt like we where driving really fast.

"Pretty good Bought a lot" I say.

"What is he saying" mahogany says.

"Just talking" I say.

"What" Matt says.

"Nothing just talking to mahogany" I say.

"Oh, what are you doing know" he says.

"Heading home" I say.

"Okay see you there" he says.

"Bye Matt" I say.

I hang up.

"He worries about you" mahogany says.

"I know" I say.

I look back at the road.

A blue jeep was heading at us.

"Watch out" I scream, she turns the car.

It hit the side of the car, my side. We flip over a couple times and everything went black.

Mahogany's P.O.V

The car stopped flipping, we were upside down. I look at ashley, she wasn't moving.

"Ashley" I say, she didn't move.

"Ashley" I yell, her eyes closed.

I hear the sirens.

I can't see much the car is squished.

Someone breaks the window and pulls me out.

"Are you okay" the guy says, I don't say anything I just look at him trying to steady my breathing.

I look over at ashley, they pull her out she isn't moving.

"Call Cameron" I say.

The police offer take my phone and looks threw my contacts for Cameron.

"Hello" the police officer says.

"This is sherif Bart" he says.

"There not in trouble" he says.

"There at 22 street" he says.

He hangs up.

The man helps me up, I can barley walk.

"Ashley" I say as I look at her, her eyes closed.

My legs give out and I can't walk, I look around.

I look at ashley she just lays there, I did this.

"Where gonna go to the hospital" the guys said.

"I have to see Cameron" I say, I look at the road there car pulls up and they run out. The men don't let them pass.

"Ashley" I say I turn my head and look at her.

Did I kill her.

"Ashley wake up" I say tears start to fall.

"Ashley" I say.

She lays there, I look at her chest.

She isn't breathing.

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