Chapter 20

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Ashley's P.O.V

6 months later

I was waiting in the airport for Matt, I haven't seen him in 4 months.

"You and Matt doing alright" she ask me.

"I guess" I say.

"What do you mean" mahogany sad grabbing her drink.

"He has been really distant" I say opening the door.

"He has been busy" she says.

"Do you think he is cheating on me" I ask her and she starts laughing.

"No way he loves you" she says.

"Sure" I say.

I look at the schedule thing what ever it's called and look for there flight.

"Hey" mahogany says and I spin around, standing there was Matt he had a smile on his face and I run up to him.

"I missed you" I say hugging him.

"I misses you 2" he says grabbing my hand and kissing me.

We all walk out the airport.

"How have you been" I ask him.

"I've been pretty good how about you" he ask me.

"Good" I say all the boys where there so I joined in on another conversation.

I felt Matt let go of my hand, I turn to look at him but he was talking to a blonde girl.

I felt some put there hand on my back and I look up and see Carter smiling at me.

"Just a fan" he says.

"I know" I say smiling.

"So what did we miss" he says.

"Not much" I say.

"Nothing Intreating happened nothing at all" he says.

"Mahogany caught the kitchen on fire twice" I say and he laughs.

"Sounds like her" he says.

"I have been singing again" I say.

"Finally" Nash says.

"Your like amazing" Carter says.

"Just doing it for fun" I say.

"Ugh" Nash says.

We get out of the car and walk over to the hotel.

"How are we sleeping" Cameron says.

"Me, Aaron, Shawn and Taylor" Matt says, I always stay with Matt but I guess not anymore.

"Me, mahogany, Nash and Cameron" I say.

Us 4 walk to are room. The second we walk in Cameron grabs me arm.

"What's up with you and Matt you guys always stay in the same room" Cameron says his eyes look into mine.

"I don't know" I say.

"Are you guys still dating" he ask me.

"I don't know anymore" I say looking down.

"Have you talked to him" he says.

"Not that much" I say.

"Oh" he says.

The next couple days Matt does everything he can not to see me. It really hurt knowing that I would only see him a couple more days and he didn't want to spend time with me.

"That's it" I says and mahogany looks up.

"What" she says.

"I can't take him ignoring me all the time I have had enough" I say.

"You go girl" she says

"I'm calling him" I say.

I pull out my phone and dial Matt.

"Hey I'm kind of busy right know" he says.

"There's a shock" I say rolling my eyes, it was on speaker so mahogany cam and Nash can listen.

"What" he says.

I hear a girl giggle behind him and mahogany looks shocked Nash looks pissed.

"Matthew" I say.

"I'm busy okay" he says sounding mad.

"Who is that Matt" a girl says behind him.

"So busy really" I say.

"Ashley listen" he says.

"No Matt" I say.

"Ashley it's just a fan okay" he says.

"Babe" the girl says in the phone.

"Really" I say a tear falls from my face.

"It's not what your thinking" he says.

"Right" I say and hang up the phone.

Mahogany arms wrap around me as I start to cry.

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