Chapter 11

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Matthews P.O.V

God I need her, I'm so mad at myself. I can't believe I did that, I put myself in that. She never wants to see me again.

I decide to call her off of Nash's phone.

"Hello" she says.

"Ashley oh my god listen to me" I say.

"Matthew" she says.

"Yes don't Hangup, please I need to tell you this" I say.

"Matthew" she says I can tell she was crying.

"Listen to me, she kissed me okay I didn't kiss back I was shocked. I would never do that to you I love you way to much" I say.

"Matthew, listen to me" she says.

"Listen to me ashley I love you so much" I say.

"Matt if you ever do something like that again I swear to god" she says.

"God ashley I love you so much thank you I love you, so much" I say.

"Where at the beach" she says.

"Okay I'm coming all be there okay" I say.

"Okay" she says.

"Okay thank you I love you I'm on my way" I say and hang up.

"So" Cameron says.

"She took me back she is at the beach" I say.

"Let's do this" Nash says jumping up.

We all get in the car and head to the beach.

When we get there we look for the girls, they where walking in there useful spot.

"Ashley" I say and run over to her, she turns around and looks at me.

I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I say.

"It's okay" she says.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you 2" she says and I pull away.

I look at her, and she looks at me and I kiss her.

"Guys stop" Nash says.

"You ever leave I swear" I say.

"Don't let me" she says hugging me.

"I won't" I say, I pick her up and walk over to the water.

"Matt don't" she squeals.

"Yep, I'm going to" I say I stop her body almost touching it.

"Matt" she says grabbing holding me closer.

I try to drop her but she holds on to tight.

"Okay you brought this on yourself" I say and I drop down.

"Matt it's cold" she says.

"It's cold anywhere you go" I say.

She stands there looking at me.

"Hello Mrs. Espinosa" Matt says.

She smiles at me.

"I like the sound of that" she says.

"No no no" Nash says.

"That's me I'm the new Espinosa" he says picking up Matt and walking away, I stand there and laugh while mahogany swims over with 2 surf boards.

"Ready" she says handing me one.

"Okay" I say and we paddle out there.

"that one" mahogany says swimming out there.

"Go get them" I say.

Matthews P.O.V

"damn" Taylor says as we sit on the ground.

"What" I say.

"Your girl is hot" he says.

"Yes oh yes" Carter says.

"Dude" I say.

"What look at her, I want her to ride me like that" Taylor says.

"Dude I will punch you" I say.

"Look at her" Carter says and I look up, ashley was surfing, really well.

"Mahogany though" Cameron says.

"They got moves like damn" Carter says.

"Well you must love it in bed" Taylor says.

"Do you want me to kill you guys" I say.

"Lighten up okay" Cameron says.

I watch ashley and mahogany surf, she was pretty amazing.

They eventually stopped and came over with us.

"thank you" I say.

"What" she says looking at me.

"There where all calling you hot and stuff it made me mad" I say.

"Your so dumb" she says kissing me.

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