Chapter 14

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Ashley's P.O.V. THE NEXT DAY

We sat in the airport waiting to get on the next flight to New York. We have been here all day it keeps getting delayed.

"Let's go" Nash says getting up, we walk over to the plane and get on.

There where a lot of us, I sat with Matt and Carter, I of course was in the middle.

"Hey" Carter says.

"Hi" I say.

"Watch this" he says pulling out a straw.

"What are you doing" I say.

He pulls half the wrapper of and blows it at Matt.

Matt turned around and gave him a face.

I started laughing.

"How to piss of matt" carter says.

"Thanks Carter that means alot" Matt says.

I put my head on his shoulder and text mahogany.

Me: I hate plane rides.

Mahogany: same here

Me: where are you

Mahogany: 4 rows behind you

Me: why so far away

Mahogany: Cameron wants to sit here

Me: oh that makes since

Mahogany: you sitting with Matt

Me: yea

Mahogany: don't have plane sex

Me: hahaha very funny

Mahogany: lol girly I'm joking

Me: best be lol

Mahogany: Nash snores

Me: Carter keeps elbowing me

Mahogany: is Matt awake

Me: yep he is reading the messages over my shoulder

I look up at him and he is smiling at me.

"I love you" I say

"Love you 2" he says and I look back at my phone.

Mahogany: tell him I said hi.

"She says hi" I say.

"I know" he says and he pulls out his phone and texts Cameron.

Me: what do you want to do when we get there

Mahogany: GIRLS DAY

Me: yay okay

Mahogany: lady liberty

Me: and shopping

Mahogany: of course

"Your so girly" Matt says.

"No I'm not" I say

"Yes you are" Matt says.

"Matthew" I say slapping his chest.

"Give me a kiss" he says

"I will not" I say.

"One kiss" he says.

"Nope" I say.

"One" he says making the puppy dog face.

I lean over and kiss him.

"Ew god" Carter says covering his eyes.

We start laughing.

The plane starts to shake a little. Matt grabs my hand and closes his eyes.

"It's okay" I say "just a storm"

I look over at Carter who has his eyes shut.

"You guys fly like all the time I don't understand you" I say looking at Carter who opens his eyes and smiles.

"Ashley" Matthew says and I look at him.

"What is it" I say.

"I'm tired" he says.

"We'll go to bed" I say.

He sets his head on my shoulder. He looks up at me and I look at him and he smiles and closes his eyes.

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