Chapter 2

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Matthews P.O.V

The boys and I where headed to the hotel, I wanted to spend some time with Ashley I've been busy and I haven't seen her.
"Look" Nash says picking up a bra laying in the floor.
It was in the middle of the hallway.
"Omg that's priceless" Cameron says laughing really hard.
"Wow" I say, that's pretty much all I could say. I grab a key and open the hotel room.
"Ashely" I yell. There was no answer.
"All go get her" Cameron says grabbing silly string from a bag, I'm to lazy to follow him.
A couple seconds later I hear Cameron.
"SHE IS GONE" Cameron says.
"She must be at the mall" Nash says.
"HER STUFF IS GONE" he says running toward mahogany's room.
"SO IS MAHOGANY" Cameron yells and I run upstairs to Ashley's room, everything was gone her suitcase her makeup everything.
"All call" Nash says and we sit around the phone, Ashely never answered but mahogany did.
"Hello" mahogany says.
"Where are you" Nash yells.
"On a plane" she says.
"Where" I yell.
"Look my mom is gonna die and I'm on my way to see her all be back in a week with Ashley, she wanted to come with me will be at the next Magcon performance" she says.
"You should have called" Cameron says.
"You guys where busy" she says.
"Like always" we hear ashley says in the background.
"Okay see you guys hope everything goes okay we wish you everything love you" Nash says.
"Love you guys" mahogany says as we hang up.
"I hope everything is okay" Nash says.

1 week later.

We sat at the Magcon performance, waiting for mahogany and Ashely.
"Where are they" Nash says getting mad.
"They will be here" Cameron says.
"There not coming back, they haven't called all week" Taylor says.
"They will" I say looking at the stage door.
I suddenly here are the fans start screaming and turn around to see the girls walking up, or at least trying to.
"Ashley" I say and run over to her embracing her in a hug.
"Hey" she Says.
"How was everything" I ask her.
"Mahogany's mom passed away yesterday" she says.
"That's terrible" I say "it was the longest week of my life you can't ever be away that long again" I say.
"I won't" she says.
"I know I haven't told you this on a while but I love you so much" I say.
"I love you 2" she says grabbing my hand.
We walk up to the stage and we hug before she walks back stage.
As we preform I look at her, a lot but she never looked at me she say on her phone, I could see she was upset about something by the way she kept wiping her eyes and fixing her hair A lot. I pulled out my phone and sent her a text saying.
You okay????
She looked at it instantly and looked up at me and I waved at her, she smiled back at me and looked down texting me back saying.
Perfect :)
I smile, I'm probably over reacting.
I go back to performing.

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