Chapter 6

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Ashley's P.O.V

3 days later

I sit in the bathroom, blood trickling everywhere.

Everything was getting blurry, I couldn't hear anything. I felt myself slowly fading away.

I look at the door and see mahogany and Nash they run over to me.

"Ashley" mahogany says.

I didn't answer, I couldn't, I couldn't do anything.

Everything went black.

I open my eyes, I was sitting in the living room.

Nash and Cameron where laying in the chairs and Matt was holding my hand his face on his knees. Mahogany was sitting by my feet.

"Hey" she says smiling at me, Matt looks up and scrambles to get closer.

"Your awake" he says.

He kisses my face like a thousand times.

"Yea I'm fine" I say.

"You promised you would stop" mahogany says as crys again.

"You knew" Nash says.

"Yes" she says.

"Why didn't you tell me" Matt says.

"I-I asked h-her no to" I say.

Matt looked at me, he looked so sad and angry and hurt.

"Why" he said.

"Because" I begin but stop and lay my head down. I don't want to talk anymore so I rolled over, obviously Matt didn't like that.

"No" Matt said and picked me up. He turned and sat down on the couch and

Laid me down.

I was sitting oh his lap, I laid back and listened to everything. Remembering wish that I cut a little deeper. Next time I think next time I won't wake up.

"Babe" Matt said but I ignored him.

"Ashley" he says.

"Matt" I say turning over, I realized I was in my bed. I flipped over and cuddled into him.

"Ashley" he said and I opened my eyes.

He was starting at me, he seemed so sad.

"What's wrong" I say.

"I can't make food" he says looking down.

"You make yourself a bowl of ice cream" I say.

"You can make a better bowl of ice cream" he says giving me the puppy dog face.

"Espinosa your lucky I love you" I say getting up.

"Your the best I love you so much babe" he says.

I walk down stairs and see mahogany and Cameron on the couch making out.

"Ashley" Cameron says, I stand there shocked.

Mahogany looked at me they both did.

"well" I say going to the Fridge.

"You can't tell know one" Cameron says.

"Okay" I say.

"Please" mahogany says.

I shut the door and look at them, me and Matt are going out today, the place is yours use condoms and I won't tell" I say walking back upstairs.

"Love you" mahogany says.

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