Chapter 28

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Ashley's P.O.V

"Hey baby" Matt says kissing me.

"Morning" I say.

"I'm gonna take a shower" he says.

"I'm gonna lay here" I say.

"Sore" he says.

"Yea" I say.

Matt gets up and walks to the bathroom.

"Matthew" I say he jumps around his eyes full of concern.

"What is it what's wrong" he says.

"Your back" i say.

"What about it" he says.

"There might be a few scratches on it" I say.

"Awesome" he says going to the bathroom and looking at his back.

"Look at this how amazing is that" he says.

"But where going swimming today" I say.

"I can show off" he says.

"Matthew" I say.

"Shower time" he says getting into the shower.

"Your so weird" I say getting up and walking out the room.

I walk into the other room where everyone was.

"Hey" Nash says.

"Hey Nashy" I say grabbing and apple.

"You eating healthy know" Nash ask me.

"Yep" I say.

"Cool me 2" he says grabbing cake.

"Wow Nash wow" I say.

"It's fat free cake" he says.

"No it's not Nash" I say.

"Sssshhhhhh" he says putting his hand over my mouth.

I bite him.

"Ow ash I'm so gonna get you" he says.

He throws me over his shoulder and brings me to the other room.

"I'm so scared" I say, then he hit me with shampoo.

"Nashhhhhh" I say jumping up, he was on the floor with laughter. Then Matt ran in.

"Everything okay" Matt says.

"He hit me with shampoo" I say. Matt starts laughing and high fives Nash.

"Thanks Matt" I say walking out the room into the one with all the boys. Matt grabs my hand and kisses me.

"Long night" Carter says.

"What are you taking about" Matt says.

"Ohhhhh Matt" Taylor says.

"Faster" Carter says.

I felt my face go red and everyone starts to laugh.

"Thanks Carter" Matt says laughing.

Matt pulls me out if the room and back into the other one.

"I thought you where cute" Matt says.

"Matthew" I say and I lay down.

"Come on put your bikini on" he says.

"Go in the other room" I say.

"Why" he says.

"Cause all be naked" I say.

"It's nothing I haven't seen in the last 24 hours" he says.

"Matthew lee" I say throwing a pillow at him.

"I'm going im going" he says.

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