Chapter 21

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Ashley's P.O.V

I sat in Nash's arms.

"It's probably not what you think" he says stroking my hair.

"Really Nash" I say tears streaming down my face.

"Trying to help" he says, I stand up. I hear banging on the door.

"It's Carter" Nash says running up to get the door

I watch him open the door and see Matt standing there.

"Where is she" Matt says as he eventually see's me.

"Not here" Nash says.

"Dammit Nash she is right there" he says trying to get in.

"Matthew" Nash says.

I look down and walk over to the other side of the room.

"I want to see her" Matt yells.

"No" Nash says.

"She is my girlfriend" Matt says.

"A girl you don't deserve" Nash says.

"I know" Matt says, I look over at mahogany who was already staring. She shakes her head and I decide to get up and walk over. I put my hand in Nash's back and he looks at me.

He moves and I walk out into the hallway with Matt.

"Who was she" I ask him, he looks at me.

"A fan" he says.

"You hooked up with her didn't you" I say and he looks at me.

"No I promise you" he says.

"Do you been love me" I say.

"Ashley you know I love you" he says.

"No you don't" I say.

"Yes I do" he says grabbing my hands.

"Where have you been, you never called texted and the last few days you have been ignoring me" I say.

"I was busy" he says.

"Busy on that girl" I say.

"Ashley" he says.

"Where we're you when I needed you" I say i look him, tears falling down his face.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"No your not your just do it again we have had this fight before" I yell walking down the hall.

I felt hands grab my waist and pull me back.

"Listen to me" Matt says.

"What" I say.

He put his hands on my face and kisses me. I was so mad at him but at the same time I was so happy. I pulled back and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, words can't describe how much I love you Ashley your the best thing that ever happened to me.I don't deserve you at all and I honestly don't know why you have stayed with me. I love you so much" he says kissing my forehead.

"Awwww" I hear the boys say and I look up. They where all standing there.

"I'm sorry" Matt says still staring at me.

"It's okay" I say and he kisses me again.

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