Chapter 3

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Ashley's P.O.V

I sat at the Magcon concert, the boys preformed and so did mahogany. I sat in the back and looked at twitter. At this point for ever nice comment there where 50 hate comments. I couldn't take it anymore I grab my stuff and left. No one noticed, no cared.

I catch a cab and go back to the hotel.

I walk inside and sit on my bed, I look at the comments.

Look at the belly fat

Kill yourself

You can't even cover your ugly face with makeup

Ew omg I'm blind

Her eyebrows look like caterpillars

She uses Matt for attention

I set my phone down and walk to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I grab my make up bag and take out my eyeliner sharpener and tell the blade out. I put it to my skin.

"Do it" I think to myself.

I push down and slide it.

The pain was horrible but I did it again

And again

And again

And again

I kept doing it till I felt numb.

The blood trickled down my skin, it hurt so bad.

"Ashely" mahogany screams.

"Crap" I say and throw the blade away, I try to clean up the blood.

"You in here" she says trying to open up the door.

"Yea" I say wiping tears of my face.

"You okay you left the event" she says.

"Yea I'm not feeling real well" I say.

"Open the door" she says.

I look down at my arm I didn't have anything to cover it with she would see.

"Open it" she says.

"I'm about to take a shower" I say.

"Open the door Ashely" she says.

"No" I say.

"Ashely" she says trying to open the door.

"What mahogany I'm fine okay" I say.

She stops.

"Are you sure" she says.

"Yes" I say.

She turns the handle and the door opens, how did she get in. When she opens the door she see's me on the floor blood everywhere.

"Ashley" she says running to me.

"Don't tell Matt please" I say as she stands me up.

"Ashely I have to" she says.

"Don't please" I say.

"Okay if you ever do this again" she says.

"I won't" I say.

"God Ashely what's wrong your life is so great why would you so this to yourself" she says as she wipes tears from her face. I didn't answer I just say in the ground.

"Let's go" she says grabbing my other arm.

"Where" I say.

"We are gonna watch a movie" she says.

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