Chapter 29

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Matthews P.O.V

We head down to the pool, I decide to keep a shirt on cause of my back.

Ashley gets in the pool with mahogany and the boys.

"Get in" Taylor says.

"Nah I'm good" I say.

"If you don't get in then I while um hmmmm make out with ashley" Taylor says.

"No you won't" ashley says.

"If he won't get in all kiss you" Taylor says.

"I'm not getting in" I say.

"Okay" Taylor says grabbing Ashley's face.

"All get in" I say and Taylor looks at me.

"Told you" he says.

I take my shirt of and jump in.

"Damn your back" Carter says.

"Pretty great right" I say.

"Damn" Nash says.

"Sick" Jack G. says.

I look at ashley, she is talking to mahogany on the other side of the pool.

"I'm gonna go over with ashley" I say swimming over.

"Hey" I say kissing her cheek.

"We where just taking about you" mahogany says.

"Lox" ashley says.

"Well thanks" I say.

"Nothing bad I promise" she says.

"Can we go some where after this" I say.

"Like where" she says.

"It's a surprise" I say.

"I hate surprises" she says.

"I know, that's why" I say I look at mahogany who is smiling.

"You know" Ashley says to mahogany.

"Yes I do" mahogany says.

"Ughhhhhh guys" Ashley says.

"sorry" mahogany says.

"Babe please tell me" she says.

"Nope" I say.

"Give me a hint" she says.

"Fine, super fancy and the beach" I say.

"Fancy, I'm paying" she says.

"No no no" I say.

"It's almost your birthday I'm paying like birthday dinner" she says.

"No it's not my birthday and I'm paying you are not aloud to pay" I say.

"Please" she says.

"No" I say.

"Matthew" she says.

"It's my day for me and you" I say.

"I love you" she says.

"I know I love you 2" I say.

"Can we go early" she says.

"Are reservation isn't for 3 more hours" I say.

"I have to go get ready" she says getting out of the pool. Her mad mahogany run into the hotel.

"So your actually going to do it" Carter says.

"Yep" I say.

"Do what" Jack J. says.

"Propose" Carter says.

"Really" Jack J. says.

"Dude she could hear you" I say.

"Did you ask her dad" Taylor says.

"Her dad died 8 years ago I asked her mom" I said.

"Awwww Mrs. Espinosa so cute" Nash says.

"Ssshhhhhhh" I say.

"You should get ready" Cameron says.

"So do you your gonna be there" I say.

"I want to go" Taylor says.

"Cameron and Carter are my waiters" I say.

"Classy" Taylor says.

"Where going to the beach same spot as 2 days ago we can meet you there" I say.

"Perfect" Taylor says.

"I'm gonna get ready" I say getting out of the pool.

"Same" Carter says.

"Right behind you" Cameron says.

We all get out and walk in.

"I'm gonna ask mahogany to marry me one day" Cameron says.

"I better be there" I say.

"You will be" Cameron says.

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