Chapter 23

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Matthews P.O.V

I sit in the hotel room my head on my hands. I am still crying, I hate myself so much.

"You okay" Carter says.

"No" I say, I grab a tissue and wipe the tears away.

"It's okay" Carter says.

"I'm a douche" I say.

"You just need some sleep" Carter says.

"I can't sleep" I say I stand up and start pacing the room.

"It's what you need" Cameron says walking in the room.

"I'm going back with Ashley" Carter says.

"Take me" I say ruining over.

"Matthew" Carter says.

"Okay" I say I feel another tear fall.

Carter walks out the room.

"DAMMIT" I yell punching the wall.

"Matthew" Cameron says running over to me, my hand was bleeding.

"I'm fine" I say.

"Your not fine, it's 3 am you need sleep" Cameron says.

"I can't sleep knowing I lost the only person in this world I actually care about. I love her so much" I say.

"Then why did you cheat on her" Cameron says.

"I'm not sure, I was with her she looked like Ashley so much and them bam" I say.

"I did kind of see a small resemblance" Cameron says.

"She hates me, I hate me, everyone hates me. Why am I still here" I say looking down.

"Don't say that Matthew" Cameron says.

"It's true" I say softly.

"Matt we love you" Taylor says.

I forgot Taylor was here, so was the jacks.

"God dammit what did I do" I say as I sink down.

I start crying again.

Ashley's P.O.V

I was laying in Nash's arms, I was still crying.

How could I be so stupid, look at me I'm so ugly and gross.

"Go to sleep" Nash says.

"I can't" I say.

"You need to" Nash says rubbing my back.

"I can't though" I say. Nash has always been like a brother to me, always there for me.

"Try" Nash says.

"I'm trying" i say.

I close my eyes, which cause me to think. I think of me and matts first date. Are first kiss, out last kiss. The last time I was happy with him.

And with that I slowly fall asleep.

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