Chapter 18

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Mahogany P.O.V

They set ashley in the ambulance and get in there with her.

"Mahogany" Matt screams I look over at him, they shut the doors.

"What's her name" the women says.

"Ashley Evans" I say.

"Age" she says.

"20" I say.

"Married" she says.

"Um no" I say, the women puts her hand on mine, I hadn't noticed how bad I was shaking.

"She is gonna be okay" she says.

"Okay" I say.

I look over at Ashely she lays there, motionless and in that second it hit me. It's my fault.

"its my fault" I say.

"It's not your fault" she says.

"It is" I say looking at her.

"You where hit by a drunk driver" she says.

"I could have turned faster" I say.

"There was nothing you could have done" she says.

"Can I call her boyfriend" I ask her.

"It's not my choice" she says.

I pull out my phone and call Matt.

"Mahogany" he says.

"Hey where in are way to the hospital" I say.

"Where right behind you" he says.

"Okay" I say.

"Is she okay" he ask me.

I look up at the doctor and she gives me a I'm sorry smile.

"I don't know" I say.

"Oh god" Matt says his voice cracking.

"It's okay" I say.

I look over at Ashely her eyes open looking around.

"Ashley" I say looking at her.

"Hey" she says.

"Hey it's okay" I say.

She grabs my hand and looks up tears fill her eyes.

"It hurts" she says.

"Matt all call you back" I say and hang up the phone.

"It's okay" I say looking at her, she keeps staring up at the ceiling.

"It's okay" she says.

She smiles at me.

"Your gonna be alright" I say.

"It's okay" she says.

"Ashley" I say.

"It's perfect" she says.

The doctor women stands there watching us.

"Mahogany" she says grabbing my hand.

"Ashley" I say tears come out of my eyes.

"It hurts" she says tears full her eyes.

"Where almost there" I say.

"Tell Matt, tell him I love him" she says.

"No ashley it's okay" I say.

She looks back up and smiles, her eyes shutting.

We pull up the hospital.

"Ashley" I say looking at her.

The doctor women opens the doors.

They pull her out and push her into the buildings i run with them holding her hand.

They push her into a room and I sit on the hallway floor, I start crying.

"Ashley" Matt yells as they run in they all look at me, laying on the floor.

I slowly shake my head and look back down.

Cameron runs over to me and holds me.

"Did she die" Cameron says.

"I think so" I say.

"What do you mean" he says.

"She looked at the ceiling and kept saying it hurt it hurt and then tears filled her eyes and she started having trouble breathing and sods to tell Matt she loved him and her eyes closed" I say.

i look up and see Matt staring at me, he was crying.

He say down in front of me and grabbed my hand.

"I never got to propose " he says looking at the ring in his pocket, I look at him.

"You where gonna purpose" I say.

"I can't know" he says as he cries even more.

"Mahogany" the doctor says and I get up and run down the hall.

"Yes" I say she looks at me.

She smiles at me and looks down.

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