Chapter 4

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Matthews P.O.V

I run to the hotel room, ashley wasn't there after the show neither was mahogany. I get to the room and walk in, they where both sleeping in the couch.

Ashley had her head in mahoganys lap and mahogany's hand was in her back.

"How cute" Nash says taking a picture.

"I'm gonna make a vine" Cameron says.

He pulls out his phone.

"Hey guys look how cute they are" Cameron says as he throws a pillow at them.

"What" mahogany says opening her eyes. Ashley sat up and walked to the kitchen, not looking at me. I followed behind her.

"Ashley" I say, she keeps walking.

"Ashley what did I do" I say.

"You didn't do anything" she says.

"Them what" I say.

She walks to her bedroom.

"Please talk to me" I say grabbing her arm. She stopped dead.

"Matt" she said her voice Shaky.

"What what is it" I say letting go of her arm.

"Nothing never mind" she says she walks into her room.

"Ashley" I say louder and she turns around before she could talk I kiss her.

She puts her arms around me and I do the same tI her.

"Ew gross" Nash yells.

"Nashty" Cameron says.

She pulls away, blushing like crazy.

Ashley mouthed something to mahogany.

"Okay guys you leave and where going to get ready for dinner" mahogany says pulling ashley to the bathroom.

"She is gonna dump me" I say.

"What wow" Nash says.

"Why would you say that" Taylor says.

"I just can tell" I say.

"Mahogany" I hear ashley says in the bathroom.

"Let's listen" Cameron says and we all go to the door.

"This dress is pretty" mahogany says.

"I could wear white under this" ashley says.

"You could and I can wear pink" mahogany says.

"This is boring" Cameron says.

We all get up to leave and get ready for dinner.

About an hour later mahogany and ashley step out the door.

I look at ashley she was wearing a green dress with a long sleeve shirt under it.

"Why the long sleeve in the summer" Nash says.

"It could be cold" ashley says grabbing her purse.

I walk over to her and grab her hand. She looked up at me, and smiled.

"Let's go" she says pulling me to the door.

"Can we meet you at the place where gonna go out for a while" ashley says looking up at me.

"Correction your going off and we will see you tomorrow" Cameron says.

"Yes" I say.

"Bye" mahogany says she looks at ashley and pulls down a fake sleeve, ashley pulls down her sleeve.

We turn around and start walking toward the small shops. We would walk inside and she would look at stuff and act all dumb and smile.

"Your so cute" I say to her.

She looks over at me, her smile was so amazing but that wasn't her real smile that wasn't even a smile.

She looks back at her phone.

"You okay" I say, she sets her phone down and looks at me. She smiles at me.

"Yea" she says.

"We should go back" I say.

"Okay" she says and we leave, I grab her hand and walk back.

"Matt" she says.

"Yea" I say.

"Do you actually like me" she says.

I stop and look at her.

"Why would you ask me that" I say.

"Are you dating me cause you feel bad" she says.

"I'm dating you cause I love you" I say.

She looks at me, doesn't smile doesn't move.

"Why are you asking me this" I say look at her, a tear falls down her face.

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