Chapter 16

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Ashley's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, Matthew wasn't there. I sit up and throw my hair up in a quick pony tail and walk down stairs.

"Ashley" Cameron says looking at me.

"Morning" I say.

"You feeling okay" he says.

"Yea I guess why" I say.

"Wondering you slept in" he says.

"No I'm good where is everyone" I say.

"Getting breakfast" he says.

"Oh okay" I say.

"So how are you and Matt" he says.

"I guess where good" I say.

"You seem upset" he says.

"How are you and mahogany" I say.

"We are gonna tell everyone today" he says.

"Me and mahogany have girls day" I say.

"That's today" he says.

"Yea" I say.

"Poop you" he says snapping his fingers and walking away.

Then everyone walks in.

"Doughnuts" Nash yells.

"Doughnuts" Cameron says.

They walk in and set them down.

"Hey" mahogany says grabbing her purse.

"Let's eat then go" I say.

"Okay" she says.

I grab a doughnut and eat it, then go and get ready. I take my shirt of and turn around.

"Matt" I say.

He smiles at me.

"How um long have been there" I say covering myself with my shirt.

"Long enough" he said with a smirk.

"What are you doing in here" I say, I was standing there in a bra and underwear.

"Admiring the view" he was.

"Matthew lee Espinosa" I say grabbing shorts and a tee shirt.

"Your so pretty" he says wrapping his arms around me.

"Matt I'm practically naked, close your eyes" I say.

"I don't want to" he say kissing me.

"Matthew" I say pushing him out the door.

"Your so cute" Matt says as I close the door.

"thanks Matt" I say.

I put my clothes on and do my hair, I decide to curl it. My makeup was natural today.

I open the door and walk down stairs.

"No no no" Matt says.

"What's wrong" I say looking down.

"Those shorts are way to short" he says. I can't really complain they where my shortest pair but there not like Madison beers shorts so.

"What" I say.

"You can't wear those" he says.

"But I wear theses with you guys all the time" I say.

"Exactly when I'm there everyone knows your mind but I'm not there so" he says.

"Fine all go change" I say.

I walk back up stairs and grab a pink skirt with a floral shirt and black flats.

"Better" I say.

"Super sexy" he says.

"Great okay leaving know" I say grabbing my purse.

"Be safe" Matt yells.

"Okay" I say.

"Love you" he says kissing me.

"Love you more" I say.

"Bye" he says as we walk back out the door.

"Shopping in New York" she says.

"This is gonna be the best" I say.

"Look" she says pointing at store.

We walk in and look around.

"Look" she says picking up a cute dress.

"Love it" I say.

"For you" she says.

"It look better on you" I say.

"With my hair, no way" she says.

She hands me the dress.

"Maybe" I say we keep looking around showing each other clothes.

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