Chapter 26

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Matthews P.O.V

I woke up with Ashley laying next to me, I put my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. She doesn't make up.

I start playing with her hair.

"Matt" she says in her morning voice.

"Hey baby your awake" I say.

"Yea" she says her eyes still closed.

"Your so beautiful" I say.

She rolls over and looks at me in the eyes.

"Matthew" she says as she sets her head into my chest, I pull her close to me.

"I'm so happy I have you back" I say and kiss her forehead. I see her smile and blush.

"Want to go out today" I ask her.

"Can we do a cuddle date" she says.

"I'd like that" I say.

"All go to the store" she says.

"Okay all rent a couple movies" I say.

She gets up and puts in shorts and a Tee shirt.

"See ya soon" she says and kisses me.

"Wait" I say pulling her closer to me.

"What is it" she says her eyes searching mine.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you 2" she says.

I hug her tightly.

"Why are you getting all romantic and stuff" she says.

"Cause I really love you" I say.

She smiles at me as she walks out the door.

I look threw movies on the tv, there was noting. I walk over to Carter's room he stayed in last night he always brings movies.

"Hey Matt" Carter says.

"Can I borrow some movies" I ask him.

"Sure, how are you and ashley" he ask me as I walk threw the door.

"She forgave me" I say.

"You better not do anything like that again cause next time she won't" Nash says walking in the room.

"I won't" I say and grab the movies of the desk.

"If you guys break up I want her" Taylor says.

"Dammit Taylor" I say and he laughs.

"Chill chill" he says.

"Next time I will kill you" I say.

"Okay" he says throwing his hands up in the air.

I open up the door and walk back in the room.

Cameron and Mahogany where making out on the bed might I add she was shirtless.

"Oh my god" I say dropping the movies and covering my eyes.

"Matthew" Cameron says as I hear mahogany run away.

"Can I open my eyes" I say.

"Yea" he says sounding disappointed.

"Why, why my room" I say.

"Only place no one was" he says.

"I'm here" I say picking up the movies, mahogany walks back out her face red.

"Sorry Matt" she says sitting next to Cameron.

"Ummm I know jack and jacks room no one is there" I say.

Cameron grabs mahogany's hand and they walk out.

"Thanks Matt" Cameron says.

"Any time" I say.

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