{Part Two ~ Heather's POV}

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The air outside felt much better than it had in the stuffy car. I sat on the curb and readjusted my black leather jacket. While the girls had skipped jackets today because of the heat, I kept mine. It felt more like armour than an article of clothing. I felt safe in it and very few things made me feel safe these days. Especially with having to take care of little Anne. My father brought her home one day. Turns out he'd knocked up his latest girlfriend and she didn't want the kid. To make it worse, neither did he. He left me with Anne, the house, and every responsibility that came with being the adult. Luckily, with him out it meant the abuse stopped but over the years that didn't even seem to affect me much. I had learned to shut off emotion and feeling by now. Of course I still had them, I just didn't notice most of it anymore.
I zoned back into reality when I heard approaching footsteps. I turned and saw a very familiar face. He wouldn't have a clue who I was but I definitely knew who he was. Dallas Winston. Well known throughout Tulsa and not for anything positive. I opted for pretending not to see him. Obviously I was too subtle because he sat down next to me.
He gave me a charming grin, "I'm Dally, and you are?"
I glanced at him, "Not interested." I stood up and started walking. In no time he was right behind me.
"So, what's a sweet broad like you doing out here all alone?"
I continued walking away from him, "I'm not alone."
He clucked his tongue, "Here with your boyfriend?"
He stepped in front of me, "No boyfriend or not with a boyfriend here?"
I put on a bored expression, "No boyfriend. What about you? You here with your boyfriend?"
He laughed, "Nope. I ain't got one of those and lucky for you, I ain't got a girlfriend either."
"Atleast the girls in this town have gained some reason," I muttered to myself.
He obviously heard me because he was quick to give me a glare.
This time when I walked away, he didn't follow. I went back to the store and found Bailey, "I need to get going to pick up Anne on time. Let me know what happens with the car."
She glanced away from the boy in front of her only long enough to nod.
When I walked out Dally was nowhere in sight. This day is finally looking up. I started walking home, stopping at Mrs. Sue's house to grab Anne. I payed her half of what I'd gotten in tips today and left with Anne in my arms. By now she was one year old. She had the same fair skin and light hair as me, however, instead of green eyes she had gray.
Once we were home, I sat Anne in her play pin and started on dinner. I picked her up when I was done and gave her a few bites of her carrot flavored mush. I ate once she was done. By then it was nine and we both needed to get to sleep. Her crib was in my bedroom so getting to bed was quick.

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