{Part Thirty Three ~ Veronica's POV}

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I yawned as I walked into the diner for my shift, hanging up my jacket, when I noticed something different. A familiar, black leather jacket. There wasn't a doubt that it was Heather's, the worn condition enough proof, what was odd was that it was here, and not because it was summer. By now, we were all used to Heather wearing it daily but it was now that I realized she hadn't worn it in quite awhile, so why was she back to wearing now?
"Hey, 'Ron, can you take table four?" Bailey asked as she rushed to a crowded corner. I nodded, threw my apron on, and walked over with a smile.
"Hey, everyone. Can I get you anything to drink?" And just like that, a very long day at work began. Most of the customers were talking about that Sheldon kid's death and how they think the kids that did it are just cold hearted greasers but even from the few times I met Ponyboy and Johnny, I knew they were both good kids.
Just before my break, I went to give the meals to two soc girls at table eight when I caught the tail end of their conversation, "I swear, I really might fall in love with Dallas if-" the red head stopped when she saw me with their food. The dark haired girl smiled as I placed their food down.
Guess Dally really is just like we heard. "Will that be all?" They nodded and I left for my break. I grabbed a sandwich from the cook and settled in a booth in the back when Bailey joined me with her lunch.
"What's on your mind, 'Ron?"
I finished the fry I was holding, "Just heard some broad talking about how she thinks she's in love with Dally. I really thought the rumors about him were just gossip."
Bailey huffed, "Really? But that means I was wrong!"
I raised an eyebrow, "About?"
She all but scowled, "Heather and Dallas having a thing."
I shrugged, "Steve told me not to get my hopes up and that their 'fling' would be over in a week so I can't say I'm surprised."
Bailey perked up and wiggled her eyebrows, "How is Steve?"
I smiled and sighed, "Great. He's always so sweet, and yesterday he was showing me some gymnastic moves he learned from Darry. Oh! And he said that he wanted us to meet up again before the rumble."
Bailey bit her lip, "I have a bad feeling about the rumble." I nodded and finished off my food, "Why didn't Heather eat with us today?"
Bailey glanced at the door, "She left early. Anne's adoption was getting approved today so she had to take off."
As she turned back to me, the door opened and Soda walked through. He looked around before spotting us and bringing a finger to his lips, telling me not to say anything. I gave him a slight nod and directed my attention to Bailey so she wouldn't notice.
She was about to begin talking again when his hands wrapped around her eyes, "Guess who?"
She smiled before quickly standing and turning. He wrapped his arms around her waist as hers went around his neck, nuzzling her face into the crook. He kissed her cheek and she pulled her head back to look up at him.
He smiled, "I missed you beautiful." As he started leaning in, I took it as my queue to leave.

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