{Part Fifteen ~ Veronica's POV}

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There was a knock at the door and I had to do everything I could to hold myself from running.
I opened it to Soda, Steve, and two other boys I didn't recognize.
I stepped aside and invited them in.
Steve pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek.
He pulled back and gestured to the two men I didn't recognize, "This is Two-bit and that's Darry."
I shook each of their hands, "It's very nice to meet you."
Darry seemed kind of reserved while Two-bit seemed to be holding back a smart mouthed comment.
"Let's go to the dining room. Dinners done," I lead them to the long table. Soda was kissing Bailey when we walked in so I cleared my throat and they pulled apart.
We all made our way to the dining room.
I felt a hand take mine and looked up to see it belonged to Steve.
He pulled me into the living room, "I know it's kinda fast, but I was wondering if you'd like to make it official?"
I kissed him rather than answering.
He pulled back, "That a yes?"
"Yes," I managed to get out before he was kissing me again.
I heard another knock at the door but Bailey answered it this time.

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