{Part Eighteen ~ Veronica's POV}

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We worked until five but Heather left half an hour early so she could start the process of adopting Anne. She'd been acting funny all day so she must have been nervous.
Now that I had my car back, we could drive home. Or drive out to grab cokes in this case. We grabbed two extra to bring into the DX.
No one was up front so we walked to the back. Soda's shirt was unbuttoned and Steve's was off but we weren't complaining.
"You two need to cool off?" Bailey asked.
They looked up and smiled. Steve slipped his shirt on and I had to admit I was a little disappointed.
I handed them each a coke which they took eagerly. They were empty in less than a minute.
"You guys by chance up for a movie tonight?" I asked.
They looked disappointed, "Sorry, we told Darry we'd be home tonight but we're counting on dinner tomorrow."
We nodded, understanding that they wouldn't always be available.

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