{Part Four ~ Bailey's POV}

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Falling asleep was easy because of my exhaustion.
I wasn't happy waking up until I realized it was Friday. I have a date. And no work. I threw on some clothes and went to pick up Veronica. Heather would be working until lunch, she always put in for more hours.
Veronica was ready when I got there so we sat down and had breakfast. We were going to check in on her car, and our dates, before picking up Heather.
The DX was empty when we walked up but upon hearing our steps, Soda came from the back. He was quick to smile when he saw me.
His smile lessened, "You didn't come in here to cancel, right?" I shook my head and his smile returned.
"To check on my car, actually." Veronica was quick to talk and avoid awkward silence.
"I can have Steve take you back to look at it, follow me." With that he lead her back but returned shortly.
"What have you been up to?" He asked me
I shrugged, "Working."
He leaned against the wall, "Where do ya work?"
"The diner on the edge of town. What have you been up to?"
"Working. And looking forward to tonight. You work at the diner on the south side of town?"
I nodded.
"My friend Dally was just talking about that place. Said he was going to check it out and go for breakfast this morning."
"Well, I hope he likes it. My other friend is actually working there this morning."
He chuckled, "I feel bad for your friend."
I joined in his laughter, it was contagious like that.
I looked down at my watch and saw it was about time to pick her up if we were giving her a ride.
"Would you mind getting Veronica for me? We have to leave."
He looked disappointed but got her anyways.
On the way to the diner we gushed about the boys but it's hard not to when they're so sweet and good looking.
We walked in and found her glaring across the room. We followed her gaze to the one and only Dallas Winston. He was making flirty faces at her from where he sat. Once Heather spotted us, she practically tore off her apron and ran to us.
"Get me out of here," She said through clenched teeth.
Once in the car, she sank into the seat and stayed silent so Veronica and I jumped into our previous conversation. The only time Heather spoke up was to ask us to drop her off at Mrs. Sue's.

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