Ch.16-Wavering feelings

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      Chaeyoungs POV

"AWW!! How cute is that?! Is this for someone? Its so sweet and adorable!" I said looking at the fireworks spelling ~I love you~

"It is for someone, and its for someone special." Jungkook said looking at the fireworks.

"Wahhh~ That person must be happy having received this, and their very lucky having someone love them this much." I said walking to the beautiful view.

"The lucky person is me, i'm the luckiest person to have love you." he suddenly said.

"What?" I replied.

"These fireworks are for you Chaeng." he replied making me frozen.

"M-me? W-why would you do this for me Jungkook? This must have cost so much, why did you do this-"

"I had to.. I had to do this because.. I love you Park Chaeyoung! I love you so.. will you be my girlfriend?" he said.

I didn't know what to do, I just stood there speechless of his words.

 "What is this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast? Whats happening to me? I've never felt this feeling before, is this love? No no it can't be, I mean after all he hated me.. but why suddenly now you confess? I don't understand you at all Jungkook..!" I rambled inside my head.

"U-uh-um-I-I can't." I stuttered.

"Wh-what? Why can't you?" he said with sadness showing in his voice.

"I don't love you Jungkook.." I replied looking away.

Jungkook fell down on the seat and started crying.

"Jungkook ah? Yah are you okay? I'm sorry for not accepting you but I just can't love you. Jungkook ah please stop crying.. you'll make me cry too." I said patting his back.

"Leave me alone Chaeyoung shii." he looked away.

"Jungkook.. fine fine, instead of being your girlfriend I'll be your girl-friend okay? I promised I wouldn't leave you remember? No matter what happens to us we won't separate right?" I said trying to calm him down.

"Oh really now?" his voice suddenly changed and he smirked.

"Yah were you acting just now?!" I yelled in embarrassment.

"So then that means if your my girl-friend I can become closer to you and then I can make you mine~"he happily exclaimed.

"I HATE YOU JUNGKOOK!!" I yelled and then the ferris wheel started moving again.

"Woah, looks like your voice was loud enough to force the ride to move again! Magic!" he teased.

"Yah you idiot!" I yelled and started to hit him.

"I'm just joking-ow! Sorry sorry-please stop hitting me Chae!" he said.

Just then the ferris wheel stopped and then the door opened.

"Hello passengers sorry for the long wait but now you may exit." an employee said.

"Oh okay. Thank you sir!" I said exiting first.

"Your welcome miss!" he replied.

I felt as if Jungkook was giving death glares to the man so I turned around.

*I sigh* "Yah Jungkook hurry up!" I yelled making him look and run to me.

"Chaeyoungie that's unfair! You're really nice to him but your not to me!~" he whined.

"No i'm not Jungkook ah. I'm nicer to you than to that man, and plus I don't even know him. So stop whining like a baby already~" I pinched his cheeks.

"Fine!~" he huffed.

*I sigh* "Your such a little kid." I said looking at him.

"But i'm only a kid around people I like." he exclaimed making me blush.

I quickly looked away hoping he didn't see.

"Awww is my little chipmunk blushing~"

"No I'm not!" I refused but I only blush even more.

"Aw you don't have to be shy Chaengie~ after all that face of yours will be mine only soon." he walked away leaving me behind with a tomato face.


"Hey wanna get food?" he asked.

"Food?! Yes yes yes please!!" I yelled like a little kid who wants candy.

"Haha okay. Wait here, i'll go buy some popcorn for us." he left leaving me alone.

I sat down on a bench near me and saw a flower.

"Wait what are you thinking Chae?! You know that's for kids right! That's not even real!" I yelled inside my head.

I grabbed the flower and then started picking them off one by one "I love him-I don't love him-I love him-I don't love him-I love him.."

"Wait what!!" I screamed.

"Chae whats wrong?!" I saw Jungkook coming near me with popcorn in his hands.

"Huh? Oh that? Um its nothing!" I said.

"Okay then. Here." he replied giving me a hand of popcorn.

We sat down the bench and chatted "Hey Jungkook?"

"Yeah Chae?"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do, I love you very much Chae."

"Why do you love someone like me? I'm not rich, I don't have a good back round, I don't own a big company.. Just why do you even love me Jungkook ah? I thought you couldn't move on from your first love when you were younger, so why me?"

"Because your beautiful, your kind, caring, smart, lovable, adorable and I could keep going on and on and it'll never end. You changed me somehow I couldn't even imagine, so don't compare yourself to my first love, because your way better than her in every way. I love you because of you Chaeyoung.. nothing more and nothing less. You are the person I Iove and nobody else. Even though your not my girlfriend, wife or anything else i'll keep choosing you no matter what , because I love you so much Chae."

Jungkook stared deep into my eyes. I was speechless, I sat there not saying anything except get caught staring back into his big orb eyes. He leaned in closer and kissed me.

"I'm sorry Jungkook.. I just can't accept you, I don't even know my true feelings for you and I don't want to play with you at all. You mean so much to me and I don't want to loose you but i'm scared of getting hurt by love and boys.."

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