Ch.25-End of 'Us'?

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     Chaeyoungs POV

I've been at Lisa's house since yesterday night, all the time that had passed by I couldn't stop smiling ever since I last saw Jungkook. I was walking down the stairs to get food when I suddenly heard Lisa's scream.


"What the.." I quickly ran over to Lisa.

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" I said looking at the scene right in front of me. Lisa looked over to me in terror.

"C-C-Chae!!" she ran over and hugged me.

"Y-yah what's the matter with you?" I said looking down to her on my chest.

"T-t-there's a-a c-cock-r-oach!!" Lisa quickly pointed down to the floor.

"Ah.." I looked down at the cockroach in disgust.

"Why don't you call your husband Lisa?" I said.

"TAETAE~!!" Lisa screamed in my ear.

"Okay Lalisa you can let your husband handle this and I'll be going somewhere~!" I yelled running to get my bag.

"Where are you going?!" Lisa yelled back.

"I miss my Kookie~!" I said before heading out the door.

"Ya-" I slammed the door before she could finish.

I quickly ran to a bus stop and waited. When the bus arrived I wanted to go to Jungkooks house. A few minutes passed by and the bus stopped to close to Jungkooks. I stepped out and ran to Jungkooks house.

"Here we are.." I was standing in front of Jungkooks house and stepped up to ring the door bell.

After a few seconds the door opened revealing "Unnie!"

"Chae? Omo are you here to see Kookie?" Jennie unnie said grinning at me.

"Wipe off that grin of yours unnie..  And yes I'm here to see Jungkook." 

"Come right in~" she let me in and ran up the stairs to Jungkooks room I assumed.

     Jungkooks POV

I was on my phone looking at pictures when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and Jennie noona was out my door.


"Kookie.. Chae's here." she said frowning.

"Oh.. okay. I'll go greet her then." I said about to go down.

"Yah.. Are you gonna tell her?.." noona said stopping me.

I looked down on the ground.

"Kookie.. if you're gonna tell her, don't ever talk to her again.. okay?" 

"Okay." I continued walking down with thoughts all up in my mind. As I reached the end of the stairs I saw Chae sitting down on the couch.

When she heard me coming she looked over and gave me her sweetest smile.

"Kookie~!" she ran to me and crashed her lips on mine while she put her arms around my neck.

"Hey.." I said.

     Chaeyoungs POV

What's wrong with him?.. Did something happen when I wasn't around? Something doesn't feel right.. 

"Hey.. wanna go out somewhere for breakfast? Or did you already eat? It's fine if you already did but can we go get breakfast for me if you have?" I said with my arms still on his neck.

"Um.. Actually.." his hands took my arms off "Can I talk to you?" he said looking deep into my eyes.

"Uh sure." I said flashing a warm smile "What do you want to talk about Kookie?" I asked. He led us to the couch and sat opposite of me. 

A few minutes passed by and it was pure silence.


"Lets break up."

As those words slipped from his mouth I could feel my heart shattering.

"W-what? Sorry.. I think I misunderstood you for a sec.. right?.." I said looking straight at Jungkook with wide eyes.

He looked down to the floor "Chae.. lets end it here. I don't want to be with you anymore."

My eyes started getting blurry. My tears were falling down my cheeks. My heart was torn apart by his words. I can't believe this.. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me so I can fix it.. Did something happen? No.. I don't want to believe this..

"J-Jungkook ah.. you're kidding right?.. No.." 

"I said lets end it Chae! I'm done with us!" he yelled standing up.

"Why?! Did I do something wrong?! Tell me what I did so I can fix it!" my tears were streaming uncontrollably down my face "Why are you ending it so suddenly?.. I thought were just fine last night.. What happened?.." I looked down to my necklace Jungkook gave me "Jungkook.. Do you not love me anymore?.."

I stared at him, trying to catch a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. But all I saw was coldness and anger.. he looked away from me.

"I found someone new.." My heart sank.. 

I stood up to meet him and.. PACK!! I slapped him.. My tears were full of regret.. sadness.. anger..

"So.. was all you said to me that night all just a lie?.. Was this necklace meaningless to you? Was I meaningless to you?.."

He looked me straight in the eyes.

"Am I not enough for you?"

He looked down.


"YES!!" my heart dropped.. 

I fell back down on the couch. I was crying so hard right now.. How could he do this to me..

The only sounds you could hear right now was my sobs.


"I hate you.. I hate you so damn much.. I regret having to accept you in my life.. I shouldn't have yelled anything to you back then.. As a matter of fact I shouldn't have even accepted to work at your company.. If I hadn't done all those things maybe I would be happier right now.. I wouldn't have to deal with an annoying.. selfish.. liar everyday.. If I could.. I wish I had never met you.." I stood up and ran out the door crying.

     Jennies POV

I was there the whole time listening to the scene behind the stairs. After a few minutes of yelling I heard the front door slam shut.. I went out of my spot and went to Jungkook.


He turned around giving me a weak but fake smile.

"Noona.. I did it.. Finally.. I can rest.."

It hurt me to see him like this but.. it was his choice..

"Now don't break your promise Kookie, alright?" I said giving him a warm smile.

"I won't.." 

     Chaeyoungs POV

I kept running and running as far as I could. I ended up at the park where Jungkook and I used to cherish.. 'The park of memories'.. It hurts to come here now that we're over.. It feels like somebody is stabbing me in the chest.. It hurts so much.. It pains me so much of how he found someone else.. that someone better treat him good.. better then I must've did.. she.. I wonder who stole his heart away.. she must be beautiful.. and she must be rich.. she can give him things that I can't ever do for him.. she probably has the looks.. money.. attitude.. and sweetness that made Jungkook fall in love with her.. I hope she cherishes him.. take care of him.. love him.. all the things that I wasn't enough for.. 

"I guess this is the end for us.. huh?.. Jungkook.."

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