The New Rules Of Engagement.

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I finally put on some clothes. I went downstairs to the kitchen to start dinner. I needed all the energy I could get.
"Huh?" I said turning to see what Larry wanted. When I turned around he was shirtless in a pair of silk pajama pants holding a pair of hand cuffs. My legs buckled at the thought of what he had in mind.
"You no have to cook if you no want to you us dinner tonight."
Damn me and my big mouth always biting off more than I could chew. I didn't have the energy for this right now. I had to think fast.
"But I'm so hungry baby." I whined as I pouted.
Larry hated when I did that. He says he can't resist it. I wish that shit worked on Lau too but it doesn't not one bit.
"Go sit down I cook what you wanna eat."
You. I thought to myself
Larry pulled out pots pans seasoning and food. He began to prep the food. I don't know about other ladies but a man who knows his way around the kitchen is sexy as fuck.
I sat at the breakfast bar and watched him with lustful thoughts in my mind. Once he had all the food on the stove. He walked over to where I was sitting in his eyes you can see what he was thinking. He putme on the counter standing in between my legs. He ran his tongue across my neck. I felt a tingle move slowly up my spine as he softly placed kisses around my neck then finally indulging on my lips.
"Now that's what I call an appetizer." He said "Since you no want for be dinner you going for be dessert" He said.
I loved Larry and Laurent equally. But Larry was just so sweet and giving. He always made me feel so special when I was with him. I sat there lost in his eyes. I was so happy they were home. It's so lonely when they are not here.
In this relationship there are rules while not in my presence they can be with who they wanted to be with but when they come home they are all mines. I on the other hand I have always remained faithful cause in my mind there was nobody else who could fill their shoes.
"How long are you guys home for this time?" I asked.
"Us home for 2 weeks."
I sighed even though we have this agreement I hate the thought of other women touching them. It drives me crazy when I thought about it. I was very possesive but also understood that they were on the road a lot and there's a lot of temptation out there. They know it gets lonely for me here so I have the same option. I just choose not to take it.
" Aniqua bebe us want you to start traveling with us."
"Huh?" I said not thinking I heard him correctly. His statement catching me off guard.
"Us want you to travel with us. He repeated.
"Really?" I said my eyes welling up with tears.
"Of course bebe."
"Not that I don't want to but wouldn't it seem weird if some random chick just start hanging around?"
"No worry about that. That's not them concern." He said brushing my hair from my face. I could do nothing but smile that meant no other women would be in their beds.
"Whatever you say Daddy." I said as I shrugged trying to hide the excitement I was feeling inside. It was definitely was a win for me.
Larry laughed knowing I sucked at trying to hide my emotions. Laurent walked in the kitchen looking just as yummy as his brother. He looked at the expression on my face and immediately bust out laughing.
"So I see Larry tell you the news mon petite."
"Mmmhmm." I said beaming from ear to ear.
Laurent's eyes wandered down to my caramel thighs and licked his lips. I bit my lower lip.
"No do that shit bebe." They both said in unison.
"And why not?" I questioned.
"No act like you little sexy ass no know what you be doing." Lau said massaging his erected member.
I laughed as I jumped down from the counter to help Larry cook finish cooking. He cooked my favorite shrimp alfredo with garlic herb rolls and steamed brocolli with garlic and cheese sauce. My baby knew me like the back of his hand I swear. After everything was done he plated the food and all sat down and ate. They caught me up on what they had been doing while on tour and all the new people they met. I told them about the new real estate I had purchased and the houses I had sold. After eating catching up and cleaning the kitchen back up we went upstairs. I knew what was coming next and this time I had no way out.

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