You Scared Or Nah!

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It was time to put up or shut up. I had to admit I was a teeny bit nervous. This time I may have bitten off a little  more than I could chew.
"What wrong Nikki?" Larry taunted.
"Yeah you look scared, you no scared are you?."
"Nope not at all." I lied.
Larry and Laurent circled me as if I was their prey sandwiching me between the two. They towered over my small body. But that didn't intimidate me. I am a monster in these sheets and they both knew this. We have literally went through three headboards this year alone due to them breaking them while I rode them. This time though when their snakes unfurled I knew I was in trouble. I took a deep breath as Laurent grabbed my hand and led me to the bed with a twin on both sides of the bed holding a pair of hand cuffs. Here goes another headboard I thought to myself.
"You think you can handle us huh?" Larry said as he ran his  finger down the middle of my chest.
"Bring it on papi chulo I can take whatever you throw." I said back regretting those words as soon as they left my lips. Why am I so damn stubborn.
"Okay you know its nothing more sexy than you chained to us bed." Laurent said as he walked towards me blindfolding me. Now this was something new and it made me extremely nervous.
"Look mon frère she shaking like a leaf." Larry said. Now because that they took my sight away I had to wonder what was going on. I heard them moving around me but didn't know what they were doing. I felt something soft moving up my body. It made my body squirm.
"Non non non stay still mon amour." Laurent demanded. The next thing I felt was something wet splashing on my body followed by two sets of lips.
"Mmmmm," I moaned. "You guys aren't playing fair." As my flower began to flow down my legs and my breathing became heavier.
"You say you can handle so us gonna give you these blazing beasts."Laurent said. " But first us going to eat you until you beg for mercy."
"You of all people should no better to poke a beast or throw gasoline on a fire." Larry chimed in.
Truthfully I loved it when the Beast and the Blaze came out to play. Even though I loved the twins I'm not into that sapoy being made love to. It's just not my style. I preferred to be fucked long hard and rough. I loved all the hair pulling ass smacking scratching and biting that came along with it and when the Beast and the Blaze was out that's exactly what I got. I bit my lower lip just thinking about it.
"Damn Nik is a whole ocean down here." Larry growled as he stuck his tongue deeper into my opening making me clench around his tongue.
"Ohhh fuck." I screamed grabbing a hand full of his hair as cum shot out my body like a rocket my other hand pulling the sheets off the corner of the bed. Laurent added more gas to the flame when he inserted his long fingers into my opening until my womb was completely full. Ohhhh so this is what we doing I thought to myself as more profanities escaped my lips.Two hundred thousand things were running through my mind as they continued to tease my body. Sooo they wanna play games I thought. Then let the mother fucking games begin. They must have forgotten they fucking with  a savage. Someone was now in between my legs. By the way the hips were rotating I could tell it was Larry. I wrapped my legs around his waist so I can stay in sync with his stroke pulling him closer to my body. I arched my back so he could thrust deeper. The harder he pushed the harder I bounced back. He had to pull away from me so he wouldn't cum. Checkmate I thought to myself. One down one to go.
Laurent was smarter he held on to my waist controlling the motion of my body. So I clenched down as tight as I could. He tried with all his might to stay in but he couldn't.
"Awwww is that all you got papi." I taunted as Larry uncuffed me and removed the blind fold.
"You like to talk a lot of shit huh but that was just an ember of this fire you bout to feel?"
Oh shit I thought to myself but out loud I said "ouuu you promise Daddy"
"Okay us gonna see what song be singing when us done." He smirked as he threw me over his shoulder. He put me back in the shower and turned on the water. He washed my body from head to toe playing in my pussy until my knees buckled. He put me back over his shoulder the night breeze flowing in through the windows caressing my skin. He threw me on the bed spreading  my legs open and dove head first in between them.
"D-damn Larry" was all I could stammer get out. The man is a master with that tongue of his.
"Oh you non so bad now huh Nikki." He laughed
That man ate me until I cried.
"No mas." I screamed.
"I no speak Spanish you say keep going huh?"
"Please stop." I said trying to escape the lashing of his tongue.
"Non non non you wanted Ca blaze now you get him. Stay still I no like my foid moving" He made me cum so hard I thought my vagina ran away. I laid there now gasping for air reaching down touching her to make sure she was still there.
"No fair." I whined between breathes.
"Us not done yet." Laurent said as he entered my now overly sensitive opening.
"Mmmmm Laurent don't stop." I said every stroke felt intense due to my clit already being sensitive. He fucked me so hard I literally forgot where I was for a second.
"Do you still know you name?"

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