3 Shades of Laurent

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Larry couldn't wait to tell Laurent about the whole restaurant incident. Laurent laughed so hard he collapsed.
"Poor belle why you do that to her mon frère!" He said as he looked at my flush face.
"She non listen when I tell her hurry up. So I fuck her on table."
Lau was now doubled over laughing hysterically. I rolled my eyes at the both of them I didn't find shit funny.
"I know you non roll you eyes at me mon petit is so rude." Laurent said. The base in his voice scared me yet made me wet at the same time. The only thing that could make me do that was Daddy and Papi. I swallowed hard and tried to answer his question. I guess I didn't speak fast enough because in one swift move I was bare assed and over his knee.
"You like being disobedient so now count."
"ONE." I said as the sting of his hand resonated through my body.
"TWO." This one harder then the last. The intensity making me wetter by the moment.
"THREE." This one making me squirt all over his lap. He smiled deviously as I continued to soak everything beneath me.
"I non tell you to cum mon belle." He said sticking his fingers into my wetness then licking them clean.
"Since you like for cum so much you cum for everyone to see" he said as he began to strip. "But first us take a shower." He said.
Why? I thought just so you can make me all filthy again. I did as I was told I was already in enough trouble for one night. I stepped in the shower my tiny frame shivering not from being cold but from the thought that my Larry and Lau wouldn't be present tonight instead I was left alone to face Blaze and Beast, Daddy and Papi. I was just hoping to leave with my kitty intact. So caught up in my thoughts I didn't even notice my body being lifted until it made a thud against the shower wall. I looked down to find Laurent staring at me with that hungry look in his eyes. Oh shit I thought it's fucking Beast. He took a slow lick of his lips before diving head first into my weeping falls. When he began to suck on my clit I swear I saw Heaven. Before I could make a sound he said"non moaning, non sound, non touch me, non touch you, and non cumming. You understand mon petit?" I shook my head yes. "Non I want hear you beautiful voice."
" Yes."
"Yes what?" He said tugging on my piercing with his teeth.
"Mmmmm YES BEAST." I cried.
"Very good ma Cherie." He said as he continued to thumb my pulsating pussy.
This is going to be a long night I thought to myself. Laurent stuck his tongue so deep in my walls that all I could do was squirt. He laughed as he wiped the cum from his face.
"I non give you permission to do that naughty girl."
I was very afraid as he washed my body. He dried my hair and wrapped a towel around me. Taking my hand leading me towards the bed restraining me to it. Next he opened the curtain to the balcony ready to display our dirty deeds. I laid their expecting the worse hoping for the best. I felt his hands massaging my ass relaxing my body then SMACK his palm kissed my ass I bit my lip to keep from making a sound. The sting was being kissed away then repeated again.  After taking my lashings from his hand he hovered over me just staring. Spreading my legs apart and pushing them back to the head of the bed where Larry was sitting he slapped my poor Kitty. Please don't cum please don't cum was all that was going through my mind. I was struggling to breathe as I continued to try not to cum. Laurent watched me struggle and was completely turned on by it. His long finger massaged my clit as he slowly entered me. Inch by inch rubbing against my sensitive throbbing clit. Then slowly he pulled out. My lip was now bleeding from the force of my teeth biting down on it. My legs were shaking uncontrollably as my orgasm was creeping up on me. As he began to pick up his speed my clit began tingling. My eyes rolling in the back of my head. SMACK! Again my core shook as his thrusts became more intense. Tears falling from my eyes as the urge to cum became stronger. I dug my fingers deep into the bed as Laurent in one quick move switched holes. His girth entering me made me squeal a little. Another smack was delivered to my tender backside as punishment for making a sound. Harder thrusts were giving to me while I prayed for mercy. He pulled my head back to his savagely kissing my lips. I tried to focus on anything to regain control of my body. No matter what I did he would thrust harder making me lose my train of thought. Sweat dripping from my body as his fingers entered my saturated kitty. Making me see shades of black and white then sparks. My breathing heavy as he continued to annihilate my kitty. I felt his grip tighten around my waist as his moves constricted. "Cum for me mon petit" he said as he removed my lip from between my teeth. "I want hear you."
With the last bit of energy in my body I squirted as if my life depended on it letting out a load roar. That was the last thing I remembered because I passed out right after.
I heard a voice calling out my name.
"Nikki, Aniqua?"
"God?" Was my response did these two friggas finally kill me.
I heard laughter then a conversation that I couldn't quite make sense of. Laurent helped me sit up slowly .
"Mon frère us might need for give her break tonight." He said while stroking my hair.
Thank God I thought my Laurent is here. As I laid in his arms and fell into a deep sleep.

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