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After leaving the workshop I was beat. Sleep was definitely calling my name. Once we entered the hotel room I was ready to crash but my white livered lovers had other plans for me. Both of them looked at me like wild animals on the hunt. I backed up running smack into the wall. I thought this was one outfit that was going to survive their animalistic behavior but I was wrong I was stripped down to my bra, panties and J's.
"Damn that a sexy look right there belle." Larry said smacking me on the ass. Laurent stood back just staring his silence sent a shiver down my spine. The look in his eyes told me what his intentions was and I had to admit I was a little intimidated by it.
"Remind me to buy you new one of these." Larry said as he demolished my bra and panties. Larry now stood back with Laurent was the same lustful look in his eyes. My knees buckled as they walked towards me. Lau picking my body up from the ground spreading my legs wide as Larry dove into my wet dripping pussy. His tongue so deep inside he licked my ovaries clean. The feeling so intense my head fell back on to Laurent's shoulder before I could moan he was devouring my lips. The positions changed but this time I was facing Larry as Lau ate my ass. I really don't know what his obsession is with my ass but I'm not complaining. Larry kissed my lips I could taste myself on his tongue. After they were done dining on me they made sure my mouth couldn't get hold of their manhood. I pouted as they tied me to the bed. Both twins kissing down both sides of my body until they reached my center. I closed my eyes as my orgasm coiled inside bidding me to cum.
"Open you pretty eyes Nikki I want see the satisfaction in them. I want to see them beg me." Larry said.
I opened my eyes gazing deep into his as he entered me slowly. Hitting my spot over and over again my body arching from the bed driving him further into my walls. I tried to moan but my voice was stuck between his thrusts banging harder and harder against my sensitive clit. As I laid there mouth wide open holding on to the head board. I clenched down on him making him growl.
"Stop it Nikkkkki, you going make me cum." He said.
I clenched down again this time biting my lower lip making him lose his load.
"Fuuuck." He yelled as he collapsed on top of me. Sweat dripping from his body makes no me cum again. I could barely breath when Laurent stepped from the shadows. When I looked  into his eye I didn't see my sweet and gentle Lau what I did see was the beast ready to come out and play. Damn it I thought to myself I'm not ready to deal with him tonight.
After showering we got dressed and met Larry at the workshop. By now everyone knew about me. I got the side eye from a lot of women and some men. I really didn't give two fucks. I watched Larry and Laurent as they did their choreography they never ceases to amaze me.
"Us have a surprise us girl Nikki going to take  group of girls teach them how make man hard." Larry said.
Sometimes that boy don't know what to say out his mouth. I laughed and shook my head. I had no plans on teaching anything. But what the hell when in Rome.
"Okay Ladies let's make them drool." I said jumping from the bleachers. The boys  sat back and watched as I choreographed a sex filled dance with these ladies. It was hot as hell in that damn studio but it did give the dance more sex appeal as sweat dripped from our bodies. Larry and Laurent watched my every move I made sure I kept my eyes on them as I seduced them from the floor. After the dance was over every guy in the room was drooling if I must say so myself these women rocked. Larry gave me a look I knew all too well. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I heard someone enter the bathroom. I looked underneath the stall seeing shoes I knew from anywhere. I heard the click of the lock on the door. I stepped out of the stall and before I could form a whole sentence I was pinned to the bathroom wall. Larry quickly unbuttoning my pants as he devoured my lips. He spun me around and had me bent over the sink. I closed my eyes as he entered my pussy.
"Unh uh open you eyes watch me fuck you " he said.
I was trying so hard to be quiet but failing miserably as his thrusts became harder.  Him grabbing my hair and smacking my ass didn't help any. He flipped we again lifting me from the ground my legs wrapped tightly around his waist as I rode him home. I moaned into the crook of his neck as he went deeper into my walls. I clenched around his dick as my orgasm started to rage in my belly my eyes locked on his begging for permission to release. He finally let his load go as I came all over his dick. He held onto me up against the wall as we breathed heavily.
"You gonna teach in all us workshops that shit was hot as fuck." Larry said as he helped me get myself back together. We walked out of the bathroom hand and hand as Laurent was ending the workshop and getting ready for the after party. He looked up at the two of us and smiled. Once again I knew that look all too well and I knew I was about to have a sleepless night.

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