3 Shades Of Larry

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I was in a deep sleep as the sun peeped across my dreaming eyes. My eyes slowly opened to a doting Larry he pushed strands of hair from my face as he continued to smile.
"Buenos Morning." He said with that beautiful bunny smile.
All I could do is smile back at him. This is the part of Larry that I am absolutely so in love with the part that has my heart in his hand. Though yes I love Daddy and Blaze too but they don't have nothing on just plain Larry. He kissed my lips so passionately it made my vagina cry.
"You want food?" I was going to decline but my stomach disagreed. He stood up naked as the day he was born and stretched. The sight of his tall caramel physique made my mouth salivate. His beautiful skin glowed as the rays of sun kissed it. He walked over to me and helped me off the bed.
"Come on us shower then I take you for breakfast."
He turned on the water in the bathroom letting the steam fill the room. The gentle caress of the moisture on my skin felt so good. I stepped into the waiting water ready to cleanse my sinful deeds from the night before off my body. I felt strong hands around my behind lifting me from the ground. The intense look in his eyes made my pussy jump. Blaze had come out and he wanted to play. I was trying to prepare my mind for what was to come next. Blaze is the very intense side of Larry. The sex with him is mind blowing. He makes sure every single part of your body is satisfied. I was broken out of my thoughts by a tingle on my lip. He bit my lip almost hard enough to draw blood then greedily continued to suck on it while his right hand was in between my legs playing hide and seek with my kitty. I threw my head back and was about to cum when I heard "you non cum yet I non give you permission." This was Daddy the dominant part of his personality the part that scared and aroused me at the same time. I guess you can call it scarousal . Either way I seen I wasn't getting out of this shower without them making me their toy first. Continuing to thumb at my sensitive clit while I tried desperately to hold on to the orgasm spiralling in my stomach. He smiled a sadistic smile at my effort. Bending to one knee he inserted his tongue. Licking my walls clean then he licked my swollen sensitive clit up and down so slow a turtle could have passed his tongue. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and my body convulsed. I was still trying desperately to be obedient. Tears formed and rapidly fell down cheeks as he slurped licked and nibbled on my clit. In between labored breathes I begged for release. He smacked my kitty and said "you cum only when I say." I was stuck in between the intensity of Blaze and the dominance of Daddy. If I came I would pay for it dearly Daddy was not one who liked disobedience. I was searching for my Larry in this moment to release me from this torturous pleasure. When a bunny like smile drew across his face I pleaded with him to relieve me of this ache. I needed to cum so bad. He kissed my tear stained face and whispered "non yet mon belle us have to go eat."

Seriously I thought to myself did this frigga just politely deny me my orgasm. His lips moved up my abdomen and to my chest as I moaned loudly, crossing my legs in hopes of that keeping the cum from flowing down my body. It was a futile effort as gushes of it shot from my body.
" Naughty, naughty mon petit. You so disobedient. I say you non can cum yet." He said with a smack to my now saturated pussy. "I punish you later but for right now us get ready to eat." We finished our shower and got dressed. The thoughts of what he was going to do to me flooded my mind as we drove to the restaurant. I was still deep in thought when our food arrived.
"You should eat belle." Larry said breaking me out my thoughts. "You going need all strength you can get." I agreed I was in big trouble I knew it. I tried to eat slow as possible trying to stall the annihilation of my kitty. Larry noticed what I was doing and laughed. "Pick up pace mon belle you brought this on youself." I continued to nibble on my fruit salad not paying him any mind and the last thing I ever expected to happen happened . Larry pushed everything off the table causing all the dishes to break. Lifting me from my seat and spreading me across the table. Every eye now staring. Larry ripped my panties away from my body inserting his fingers into my wet dripping flower soaking his fingers completely. I closed my eyes and whimpered under his touch.
"Non non I want for hear you mon belle. Say my name." He said as he pulled out his monster and entered me with force.
"Ayeee La-Larry." I screamed as I bucked my hips to match his thrusts. He grinded harder into me his fingers digging into my hips as he pulled me forward. Each thrust was hard and intense. "Mmmmm Blaze please let me cum." I begged. He looked at me with the most wickedest smile he flipped me on the table giving my bare ass a smack. Watching it jiggle before he reentered my aching longing to cum kitty. Pulling my hair pushing himself deeper into my walls. Biting into my neck and whispering into my ears "tell my my pussy she can cum." As he released inside my womb and I squirted all over the table. After my high came down I looked around at the shocked faces surrounding us. I had totally forgotten we were a restaurant. Larry still as smooth as ever helped me up straightened my clothes and payed for the damage we did our food and that of every person that was in the restaurant before we left. There was a roar of applause as other couples left quickly holding on to the show we put on.
"You still on punishment mon belle I just wait for mon frère to get in."

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