In Public Places

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Tonight I was being treated to dinner by Larry and Laurent. I figured since we were out in public they would behave. Pffft boy was I wrong. As we sat waiting for the waitress to come these friggas decided to play a game of who can make Nikki cum the hardest. Starting the game off was Laurent. I was trying to have a conversation on my phone as I felt his hand moving slowly up my thigh. No he wouldn't I thought to myself. He stared deep into my eyes as his hand continued to move dangerously close to my kitty. I had to end my phone conversation because I couldn't complete a full sentence. Once his hand reached it's destination he slipped his fingers into my panties. He whispered in my ears "you greedy kitty always ready for me." Oh my God I'm about to make a whole fool outta myself I thought. I shifted from side to side as his long fingers continued to penetrate my walls.
I sat trying to hold in the moan that was threatening to leave my lips. "Come on baby moan for me let me know you like how it feels."
I closed my eyes as I felt cum running down my leg . Thank God there was a table cloth there to hide what was going on. As I tried to regain composure and catch my breath Larry decided to take another route. He dropped his fork underneath the table.
"I get it." He said. I felt his hand on my panties, I felt the sting as he ripped them from my body. No he wou- my thoughts were interrupted by his tongue trailing up my thigh. Oh shit I thought.
"mmmmm I moaned softly as his tongue ventured closer and closer to my pussy. It was all over for me when his tongue made contact with my clit.
"Ayyyeee" I moaned a little louder.
His tongue continued to flicking in and out of her. If that wasn't enough he added his fingers to the equation.
"Ayyyye don't stop." I moaned a bit more louder. This time heads started to turn in our direction.
I smiled politely as Larry continued to make a meal out of me from under the table. He grabbed my waist pulling me further onto his tongue. I was about cum and hard. His tongue now moving vigorously .
"OH MY FUCKING GAWWD." I screamed now every one in the restaurant was staring in my direction. At that moment I could care less. Larry smirked as he came from underneath the table wiping his mouth.
"I got my fork." He laughed.
For the rest of the evening. I got a lot of unwanted attention. A lot  of envious stares from women then they would stare at their men like why can't you make me scream like that.
"That wasn't funny Larry." I laughed.
"You like it though."
I shook my head.
Laurent gave him a pound. " Well played mon frère. You win round one."
"Huh?" These two gotta be kidding there's rounds.
"Us non done with you tonight. Eat mon belle you need energy."
As I was eating the most adorable elderly couple stopped at our table.
"Thank you." The lady said.
I tilted my head in confusion. "For?"
"The three of you have put a spark back in my husband I'm going to how do you young people say get some tonight."
I couldn't help but smile.
"You go girl." I said high fiving her.
"Come on baby the Viagra's kicking in."
"Ooooo" I laughed.
They walked off.
"I think Stella bout to get her groove back." Laurent laughed.
They paid for dinner and we left. As we walked to the car the two of them grabbed my hand. I know what our relationship look like to other people. I really don't care. Larry was driving Laurent opened the back door for me to get in surprisingly he got in with me. Oh no I thought.  Larry pulled off the music blasting. Laurent pulled me closer to him. He unbuttoned my shirt as he kissed me passionately.  Staring down at my breast he let out a groaned. "You so beautiful mon déesse."  He said as he stuck his tongue between my breast.
" Mmmmm." I moaned licking my lips.
"You taste so good." He said as he pushed me down on the back seat my legs on his shoulder his head in between my thighs. His tongue moving up my caramel thighs soft biting my inner thigh. When his lips met my clit he kissed it long and passionately. Sucking on them until my body convulsed. My nails digging into the leather of the car seat. I was rendered speechless. The only thing I could do was pant uncontrollably as he made me cum over and over again. My legs shaking as he sucked me dry. As we pulled into the driveway Larry quickly opened the door and carried me inside it was now his turn.
Larry waisting no time ripping my clothes from my body. Kissing me wildly. His hands everywhere. We were still standing on the front porch as he stripped me completely naked. I moaned as he kissed my lips moving down my chest and to my stomach. His tongue circling my navel. The cool night air swept across my breast as Larry tongue crept back up my body. He pulled down his pants as I wrapped my legs around his hips my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Holding my body against the front door he entered my wet opening. I bounced up and down on him as he tried to push my insides out.
"Mmmmmm I like that Daddy.." I moaned nibbling on his ear.
He smacked my ass the sting making me dig my nails into his back. The sensation of my nails in his back intensified his thrusts.
He smacked my ass again as he put me back down on the ground. Bending me over entering me behind. As he rammed into me his member going deeper into my opening my ass bouncing as he smacked it  again. "Ayyyye" I moaned as the neighbors walked by sneaking peeks at our public display. Larry hands now entangled in my hair sweat dripping from both of our bodies. As I screamed out for more. Cum running down my legs . He wasn't finished he wanted me to squirt while still fucking my brains out he inserted his finger moving in sync with his thrusts.
"You like that don't you."
I couldn't speak he smacked my ass again " I ask you question mon belle."  I tried to answer again same result more cum streaming down my legs. His palm connecting with my bare now saturated skin." Ayyyeee please don't stop." I said as the pain from his hand sent tingles resonating through my body the pleasure of his dick inside me making me scream recklessly into the night. As he reached his end I reached mine drenching us both with cum as he once again lost his nut inside my womb.
At this point Larry was up in my book 2-0. Lau better step his game up the next round.

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