Attitude Adjustment

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It was 2 in the morning. I dragged myself to the bathroom to get ready. It was time for the twins to get back on the road. I was completely exhausted.
"Come on Nikki us gotta go." Lau screamed from downstairs.
"I'm coming dammit." I screamed back as I stomped down the steps.
"Awe look she throw tantrum Lau is so cute"
I wanted to smack the both of them upside their heads. It was too damn early and I haven't even had coffee yet. I rolled my eyes at the both of them as I walked out the door. Laurent slapped my ass "when us land I'm going to put an hurting on you."
"Yeah, you better drop the attitude mon belle." Larry chimed in.
I got into the waiting Uber as the guys loaded the bags into the trunk. It took 30 minutes to get to the airport. After pushing through their fans and airport security we finally boarded the plane. I sat in between Laurent and Larry five minutes later I was out like a light. I slept the whole flight. Once settled into our room we grabbed something to eat. Once returning back to the room Lau made good on his promise. He stared at me with those bedroom eyes my legs buckled as he walked towards me. This time though he didn't rip my clothes as they had a workshop in a few hours. Instead he stripped me slowly making my body quiver as his hands and my clothes brushed against the more sensitive regions of my body. Standing completely naked before him he licked his lips as he made me stand and watch him undress. I felt faint as his clothing departed his body.  Picking my small body up he entered my dripping opening as I danced on him up and down keeping in sync with his thrust. His fingers caressing my ass teasing me as I begged for them to penetrate me. He smiled wickedly as his teeth sunk into my neck. Laurent laid me on the bed without losing step as I moaned uncontrollably. His thrusts long and hard making me clawing at the sheets. Flipping me once again he smacked my ass so ferociously. My thoughts were jumbled and my words incoherent.  He smile as I became undone before him knowing in that moment he was in control of every emotion I had to offer. As l clenched down on his dick I came so hard I was dehydrated after.  Laurent continued as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I was gasping for air. He finally unloaded as tears ran from my eyes "be prepared bébé this going to be a long year" he said as he collapsed on top of me.
After showering we got dressed and met Larry at the workshop. By now everyone knew about me. I got the side eye from a lot of women and some men. I really didn't give two fucks. I watched Larry and Laurent as they did their choreography they never ceases to amaze me.
"Us have a surprise us girl Nikki going to take  group of girls teach them how make a man hard." Larry said.
"Larry!" Laurent and I both said shaking our heads.
Sometimes that boy don't know what to say out his mouth. I laughed and shook my head. I had no plans on teaching anything. But what the hell when in Rome.

"Okay Ladies let's make them drool." I said jumping from the bleachers. The boys sat back and watched as I choreographed a sex filled dance with these ladies. It was hot as hell in that damn studio but it did give the dance more sex appeal as sweat dripped from our bodies. Larry and Laurent watched my every move I made sure I kept my eyes on them as I seduced them from the floor. After the dance was over every guy in the room was drooling if I must say so myself these women rocked. Larry gave me a look I knew all too well. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I heard someone enter the bathroom. I looked underneath the stall seeing shoes I knew from anywhere. I heard the click of the lock on the door. I stepped out of the stall and before I could form a whole sentence I was pinned to the bathroom wall. Larry quickly unbuttoning my pants as he devoured my lips. He spun me around and had me bent over the sink. I closed my eyes as he entered my pussy.
"Unh unh open you eyes watch me fuck you " he said.
I was trying so hard to be quiet but failing miserably as his thrusts became harder.  Him grabbing my hair and smacking my ass didn't help any. He flipped me again lifting me from the ground my legs wrapped tightly around his waist as I rode him home. I moaned into the crook of his neck as he went deeper into my walls. I clenched around his dick as my orgasm started to rage in my belly my eyes locked on his begging for permission to release. He finally let his load go as I came all over his dick. He held onto me up against the wall as we breathed heavily.
"You gonna teach in all us workshops that shit was hot as fuck." Larry said as he helped me get myself back together. We walked out of the bathroom hand and hand as Laurent was ending the workshop and getting ready for the after party. He looked up at the two of us and smiled. Once again I knew that look all too well and I knew I was about to have another sleepless night.

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