Nikki's Revenge

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I woke up with one thing on my mind this morning. Revenge oooo I couldn't wait to get back at these friggas. I laid in the bed just plotting away. This was the second time one of them made me pass out. A evil grin crept across my face as I looked to either side of me watching them sleep without a care in the world. This was going to be one for the books. I was deep into my thoughts plotting on making the twins cum until they pass out. I was broken out of my thoughts by a soft kiss on my neck.
"What you smiling about?" A drowsy voice asked.
I just laughed and slid out of bed.
Laurent eyes followed me around the room. I continued to parade around naked knowing that it was making him hard. When I looked back over he was massaging the ache out of his manhood. I gazed deeply in his eyes as I sauntered back across the room. He licked his lips as I continued to walk towards him. Once reaching my destination I straddled his body grabbing a hand full of hair kissing his lips. My tongue wandering from his mouth to his neck. I bit into his like he was steak. I whispered in his ears as I restrained him to the bed. "No touching, no moaning no sound and no cumming until I say so." The intensity in my eyes scared him a little making his dick twitch. My fingertips roamed freely down my body as I slowly caressed my most intimate parts making his mouth water. My hands slid between my thighs and into my nectar. I played with it until it was nice and saturated then I put it to his mouth. He licked my finger clean and the hungry look in his eyes told me he wanted more. I positioned myself to feed him but then my pettiness took over. Instead of letting him taste me I decided to feed myself. I slid down his long body grabbing on to his manhood playing with his pre cum. His body quivering as my mouth made contact with his skin. I twirled my tongue around his girth making him squirm. I released him from my mouth and started licking from tip to shaft sucking periodically on his mushroom shaped tip. My moans vibrating through his dick as I took him into my mouth in one whole swallow making it disappear into my throat. The suction from my mouth made him whimper. My head continued to bob up and down with slow even strokes his hips began to thrust driving him deeper into my throat. When I finally came up for air there were strings of saliva still connecting up. The popping sound made him moan loudly almost waking Larry up.
"Naughty, Naughty Mon AMOUR." I said as I nibbled on the tip of his member.
"Now you on punishment." I said as I licked in between his parted lips.
I tapped my chin " hmmm what shall be the punishment for your disobedience." I smiled wickedly "I know." I woke Larry from his sleep by licking his hardened shaft. "Eyes on me." I said as I mounted his double. Never breaking my gaze with Laurent. I rode Larry slow and steady grinding myself hard against him. The look in Laurent's eyes turned me on even more. My hips moving just a little faster watching Laurent drool. I twisted my body in a Cirque du Soliel motion where I could still ride Larry but also tease Lau. With each thrust given to me I in return licked Laurent's member.
I felt Larry moves constricting under me. I removed myself from him. He was on punishment too. I cuffed him to the bed right next to his brother and went to take a bath. I soaked in the warmth of the water letting all my aches and pains float away. I soaked for about an hour before taking a shower. I walked into the room water dripping sensually down my body. I watched as the twins laid there suffering. Their manhood could have cut through diamonds that's how hard they were. I grabbed the phone and ordered room service. While waiting for the food to come. I continued to play make the twins erupt like volcanoes. I first grabbed Laurent I let my tongue slide down his frame until I reached his manhood I wrapped my lips around him like the jaws of life. I sucked him so good his mouth couldn't close his toes we're curling nostrils flaring. He tried so hard not to moan I thought it was adorable. His eyes begging for release "Not yet mon amour stay with me." He was teetering on the verge on of passing out. I smiled as he whimpered knowing I held his satisfaction in my hand. But I wanted him to cum inside me so I mounted him and rode him like a bull at the the rodeo. My hips bucking with his thrusts. "Say my name." I screamed. He refused since he wanted to be disobedient made him into my bitch lifting his leg over my shoulder without missing a beat. "I said say my name frigga." I'll said as I rode him faster. He still refused. I smiled bending my upper body completely backwards licking his balls as I continued to ride him.
"Fuck Nikki you bad bitch." Larry said as he watched his brother weep. "Say my muthafucking name bitch." I said .
"Shittttt Nikkkkki." He screamed between labor breaths . I made his ass squirt. He made a mess of me the walls and the sheets. I sucked both of our cum from his still erected penis I sucked him so good he came again. I drank from his hose until he passed out. Good thing we keep smelling salt. As we brought him back to the conscious world. I smiled and said " Check and Mate bitch." I turned my attention to Larry next and said "don't worry love you'll be in a coma soon enough."
I tapped my chin " hmmm what shall be the punishment for your disobedience." I smiled wickedly "I know." I woke Larry from his sleep by licking his hardened shaft. "Eyes on me." I said as I mounted his double. Never breaking my gaze with Laurent. I rode Larry slow and steady grinding myself hard against him. The look in Laurent's eyes turned me on even more. My hips moving just a little faster watching Laurent drool. I twisted my body in a Cirque du Soliel motion where I could still ride Larry but also tease Lau. With each thrust given to me I in return licked Laurent's member.
I felt Larry moves constricting under me. I removed myself from him. He was on punishment too. I cuffed him to the bed right next to his brother and went to take a bath. I soaked in the warmth of the water letting all my aches and pains float away. I soaked for about an hour before taking a shower. I walked into the room water dripping sensually down my body. I watched as the twins laid there suffering. Their manhood could have cut through diamonds that's how hard they were. I grabbed the phone and ordered room service. While waiting for the food to come. I continued to play make the twins erupt like volcanoes. I first grabbed Laurent I let my tongue slide down his frame until I reached his manhood I wrapped my lips around him like the jaws of life. I sucked him so good his mouth couldn't close his toes we're curling nostrils flaring. He tried so hard not to moan I thought it was adorable. His eyes begging for release "Not yet mon amour stay with me." He was teetering on the verge on of passing out. I smiled as he whimpered knowing I held his satisfaction in my hand. But I wanted him to cum inside me so I mounted him and rode him like a bull at the the rodeo. My hips bucking with his thrusts. "Say my name." I screamed. He refused since he wanted to be disobedient made him into my bitch lifting his leg over my shoulder without missing a beat. "I said say my name frigga." I'll said as I rode him faster. He still refused. I smiled bending my upper body completely backwards licking his balls as I continued to ride him.

"Fuck Nikki you bad bitch." Larry said as he watched his brother weep. "Say my muthafucking name bitch." I said .
"Shittttt Nikkkkki." He screamed between labor breaths . I made his ass squirt. He made a mess of me the walls and the sheets. I sucked both of our cum from his still erected penis I sucked him so good he came again. I drank from his hose until he passed out. Good thing we keep smelling salt. As we brought him back to the conscious world. I smiled and said " Check and Mate bitch." I turned my attention to Larry next and said "don't worry love you'll be in a coma soon enough."
Larry looked at the condition his brother was in. Laurent body was still shaking. I saw a twinge of fear in Larry's eyes. I guess sometimes they forget what I am capable of. I'm not called Queen Savage for nothing. I uncuffed the two of them so we could eat and get ready for the day. I let the thought of what I was going to do to him marinate in his mind. Laurent and I showered together being that his legs still were not stable. After he was situated I showered with Larry. We were off to a movie premiere they were invited to. The movie was okay but the only thing that I could concentrate on was getting Larry back. I am a very vindictive person I'll be the first to admit that. After the premiere we went out to eat. I nibbled on my salad as the twins ate like their was no tomorrow. Larry ordered more food which he should cause he gonna need all the strength he could muster for what I had in store. On our way back to the hotel it began to rain. Great I thought this plan is coming together better than I thought. Each strike of lightening exciting me making me wetter and wetter. As soon as we got to our hotel room it was on. The door was barely shut I tackled Larry to the ground pinning his arms above his head ripping his shirt clean off his body. My tongue roamed from his lips to his neck down his chest to his hardened abs. Once I reached his loosely fitted backwards jeans I stuck my hand inside massaging the monster that was begging to be released. Laurent still warn out from our encounter earlier sat and watched. The sound of his moans and groans sending my hormones into a frenzy. The heat between the two of us intense. I yanked his pants down to his ankles taking his engorged member into my greedy salivating mouth. My lips entangled with manhood made his body quiver. Leaving kisses from the shaft of his penis to the mushroom tip my tongue dancing in the drips of pre cum forming. I continued to suck the life from him until his dick was sensitive to my touch. Standing over top of his body I removed my clothes slowly and seductively his eyes never leaving mines. His chest heaving up and down as I shimmied back down his body. Sweat dripping from my saturated body on to his. I mounted his dick slowly bringing my body to his tip then slamming down on it clenching my pussy the whole way down his nails digging into the floor. My movements becoming more intense as he tried to make a sound but was rendered speechless. Arching my back so that my hands and head was on the floor between his legs I continued to ride him while simultaneously licking the shaft of his dick. His screams high pitched almost feminine sounding. I chuckled to myself as I continued to make him succumb to my will. The rain beating against the window the thunder and the lightning all playing a role in my pleasurable torture. His heart beating faster and faster. As I pulled my body up to his I clenched again making him scream my full government name the intensity of the thrusts of my hips had him begging to cum "Not yet Amour" I said as I bit into his neck. The sensation of pain and pleasure rippling through his body as tears filled his eyes his body aching to release. My body moving even faster the friction driving him insane as he wrapped his hands around my hips trying to slow my motions. "Who's the baddest bitch on the planet?" I asked as I grind harder into his body.

"Youuuuu" he said barely above a whisper.
"I can't hear you muthafucka who?"
"Mmmmmm.... You....Ma deesse." He screamed " PLEASE MA REINE I NEED TO CUM." He begged.
"You cum when I say you can and not a moment sooner."
I felt my orgasm raging coiling in my stomach. I moved even faster his dick rubbing against my sensitive kitty. As I was about to release I gave him permission to let go and just like his brother he made a mess everywhere even the ceiling. I wasn't satisfied quite yet so I put his still erected member in my mouth and sucked everything he had left in him out. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body convulsed then he blacked out. Once again we had to revive somebody. I looked the loves of my life deep in their eyes and said. "Let this be a lesson don't fuck with a savage."

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