Turning The Tables

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I had a deviously delicious plan brewing in my mind these friggas then turned my ass out in a restaurant, the car and the front porch. It was time to play a game of my own. I sat ironing out the wrinkles of how I would get my revenge. That night I slept with dreams of making them submit to me, making them scream my name as the cum non stop. Since Larry won the game he would be last. I needed to tame the beast first. The next morning I showered pulling my hair into messy bun. I sprayed myself with their favorite fragrance. Getting dressed in an outfit that neither could resist. I applied my make up to my face. Decorated my ears with the earrings they bought me for my birthday. I changed my navel ring to the diamond one that made them drool. Pulling my hair down from it's bun letting it hang just the way they liked it. I finished my look with my Manolo Blahnik stilettos. I took one more glance in the mirror. Damn I look good. I thought to myself. As they were waking from their peaceful slumber I was nowhere to be found. They followed the scent of the food downstairs to the kitchen. "Mmmmmm Nikki tha- "  they both said not able to finish their sentence.
"Damn Nikki you look so sexy." Larry said as he walked towards me.
"Yes where you going looking like that?" Laurent asked.
I laughed.
"I non play Nikki! Where you going?"
"Chill out I'm not going anywhere can't a girl just look nice. "
They sat down at the table as I continued to cook breakfast. Once done I plated their food.  I seductively walked their plates to the table watching both of them get harder with each swing of my hips. Larry reached down and adjusted himself in his underwear. Laurent doing the same. I smiled wickedly watching their hormones take over.
"Come here Nikki, come sit on Daddy's lap." Larry said patting his lap. I sashayed over to him licking my lips seductively.
"Yes Daddy." I said in my sultry fuck me into next week voice. I sat on his lap rubbing my ass against his hard on. He moaned in delight as he grabbed my waist grinding on me. Laurent looked on as I fucked Larry without actually fucking him. He wanted some of that action as he pulled me away from his brother and onto his lap. I repeated the action again bringing them both to the brink of cumming then stopping.
"You non funny Nikki" they said in unison.
"Yes I am." I laughed as I walked into the living room.
They followed me into the living room both ready to tear my ass up. But this was my game my rules.
"You non play fair Nikki come on let me just taste you." Larry begged.
" Mmmmmm sounds intriguing but no." I said.
"What us do bébé?" Lau asked massaging himself on the outside I was cool calm and collected. On the inside I was going insane. How could I not. I had to stay focused though. I started cleaning the house up ignoring their attempts to be inside me.
"Nikkkiiii I non do nothing and I hungry for you." Larry said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His soft lips making contact with my skin stopping me in my tracks. Oh no frigga not this time I quickly moved away him before my greedy kitty took over.  He stood there pouting making me want him even more. Get it together Aniqua I said to myself. I went upstairs to gather the laundry Laurent was laying across the bed looking like a whole fucking meal. I took a deep breath as I entered the room.
" Come here sexy." He said gazing at me with those sexy ass eyes. One thing he knew I couldn't resist was that stare. He kissed my lips as he stuck his hand between my thighs.
"Mmmmmm you greedy kitty talk to me again she say she want for me fuck her."
I shifted as his finger curved around my pearl even though I was soaking wet I said "well you shouldn't listen to her cuz she lying." I smiled as he throw the pillow at me. Once I finished cleaning the house up. I went into the room where they were all into their FIFA game. I stood in front of the TV.
"Stop playing Nikki." They said as they tried to look around me. I began to seductively remove items of clothing. They stood in hypnotized by the sway of my hips. Once I had nothing left but my bra panties and stilettos I slowly touched myself making them drool. I sashayed across the room licking my lips.
"Ini mini minie mo which twin am I about to blow." I said
I already knew Laurent was my first target. Ripping his draws from his body I pushed him back on the bed leaving a trail of kisses from his lips to his dick. I licked the tip as pre cum formed at the top. "Mmmmmm so good." I moaned. I licked up and down his shaft as he closed his eyes anticipating my next move.
"Ouvre tes yeux, je veux que tu regardes pendant que je fais disparaître ta bite. "( Open your eyes I want you to watch as I make your dick disappear.) He growled as I took him into my mouth. Trying to focus on my magic act. His hand entangled in my hair pulling my head up and down his pole. I made slurping sounds as I continued to devour him. Each time he tried to speak I sucked harder causing his words to to get caught in his throat.
"Now who's dick is this?" I asked.
"Mmmmmm yours." He growled.
"I can't hear you say my name." I said as I put him back my mouth.
" Mmmmmm is yours Nikkkiiii." He said as he came all down my throat . I sucked him dry before I wiped my mouth and said "you should know better than to fuck with a savage. He laid there panting eyes still in the back of his head. I turned my attention to Larry. " You're next."
As I finished making a meal out of Laurent I was ready for dessert. I stared Larry down making his knees buckle with my lustful stare. He collapsed on the bed. I crawled stalking him like a lioness would her prey. My stare so intense pre cum began to drip from his dick. His reaction excited me. Crawling up his long trembling body licking all the places that make him scream. Pinning his arms above his head as l let my inner savage take over kissing and marking every inch of his beautiful body. As I reached his delicious cock my mouth watered " mmmmmm I want you so fucking bad." I whispered in his ear as I licked around his ear letting my tongue travel back down his body making him whimper. I took him in to my mouth sucking licking biting slurping him until he was on the brink of passing out from screaming my name but I wanted him to cum another way. Releasing him from the warmth of my mouth I climbed on top of his sensitive dick. I began to ride him slowly moving my hips to match his thrust. "Mmmmmm non stop bébé." He moaned. As I continued to rock back and forth on him as tears rolled down his face from the pure pleasure he felt. Holding his his arms above his head as I continued to ride him faster and harder.
"Ayyyye...... Nikkkiiii......Merde....... Mmmmm....non stop... You fuck ..... Me....... So good. "  He said as his fingers dug into the small of my back.
"Who's is it!!?" I said grinding my  kitty harder.
"It-it y-yours." He stuttered.
"No no frigga say my name mutherfucker." I said.
"What's my name?" I said as I tightened up around his dick.
His eyes rolling into the back of his head toes curling sweat dripping as my kitty continued to swallow him whole.
"You wanna cum don't you boo." I said enjoying every bit of this."
I smiled wickedly "nope I'm not done yet." I said as I continued to bounce up and down.
"Merde ma déesse ayyyye I can't hold it." He said as he closed his eyes.
"Ouvre tes yeux, je veux te voir quand tu jouis pour moi. " (Open your eyes I wanna see you cum for me.) As soon as his eyes open his orgasm exploded inside of me and all over the bed.
"Damn Nikki you vicious." He said between breaths.
" I know." I said laying back on the bed worn out.
I finally was able to get some sleep I fucked both of  them friggas into a coma.

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