Enter The Beast

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I have no fear as I said before but dealing with that damn beast was a whole nother monster. He had that look in his eye that made me tremble. You know that hungry look.
"No get scared now Nikki."
I was trying to think of anything to get me out of the room. I was thirsty as hell we have been at it for hours. I told him I needed something to drink. To tell the truth I really did plus I was sore as hell. He gave me a devilish grin as he pulled my body to the edge of the bed.
"Say you scared and I let you go."
"Pffft hit me with you best shot."
Why am I so stubborn . The competitor in me just wouldn't let me quit. Larry already killed my damn kitty and Laurent is about to bury her.
He smiled as he stroked his weapon of kitty destruction. Everything in my body was screaming give up.
He played in my wetness long enough to make her drip down my thighs. Entering me slowly while lifting me from the bed. Walking my body to the wall without losing rhythm. His strokes we're slow and deep.
"Mmmmm damn Lau shit."
He continued to fill my walls hitting spots I didn't even know existed.
"Ayeeee papi harder."
His eyes were intense as he bent me over the bed holding the small in my back pounding my opening with such intensity I thought I might pass out. He pulled my hair pulling my head back to his. He growled in my ear.
"See what happens when awaken the beast."
He had my body flowing like a waterfall. I screamed for mercy but non was given. He played with my breast as he continued his assault on my kitty. I was almost there my body was about to explode.
"Ohh my  Gawdd I'm about to cum."
"Hold it ."
"I can't." I moaned
"I say hold it bebe."
I tried with everything in me to hold what I needed to release. His movement became faster as his hands constricted around my tiny waist. His strokes becoming more intense.
"Oh shiiiiiit" he said as his life seed flowed down my legs. I let go of the orgasm raging inside my body as we both collapsed on the cum soaked sheets.
Gasping for air I looked into his eyes.
"I win"  I said as I smiled.
"That's what you think." Larry mumbled under his breath.
Damn my big mouth then wrote another check my ass had to cash literally. I was tired all I wanted was to go to sleep and maybe some water. I left our bedroom and went into the guest bedroom. I was out like a light in less than two minutes. I was far away in dream land. When they entered the bedroom. I was too damn tired to even react.  Larry laid to my left Laurent to the right. I felt the wetness of their tongues searching my body.  I felt Laurent fingers slipping in and out of my wet box as Larry kissed my erected nipples.
"Hey Lau I have idea."
"Let's make her for to cum in her sleep."
Laurent smiled deviously as he nodded in agreement. I didn't have to look to know the look on both of their faces. His hands slipping from my saturated kitty. He pulled my legs apart as Larry entered me slowly. His thrusts slow but intense. Laurent continued to trail my neck with his tongue. He fondle my breast as my kitty was being tenderized by Larry. Suddenly I felt Laurent slip in my back door. Larry kissed my lips massaging my tongue with his. I indulged in the flavor that was him. Laurent gently bit my neck as the three of us moved in sync. Even though this felt so good I was too tired to react.
"Oh shit is so good she so wet for me." Larry said
"Move back I want for feel."
Laurent reached between my legs and felt the flood that they had caused Larry pushed his hand away.
"I want for to get back in "
I felt wet kisses all over my body. My orgasm raging in my chest rolling down into my stomach then flooding Larry's dick. Him and Laurent continued to fuck me until I came at least 3 more times then the both released. I guess they were determined to win even if they had to make me surrender in my sleep. But win or lose. I still won I thought to myself. Finally I was able to fall into a blissful sleep. I guess they missed me just as much as I missed them. They wrapped their arms around me and surrendered to the night just like me.

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