I said Non Clothes.

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After breakfast I decided to take another shower hoping this time I could get myself clean before they made a mess of me again. I let the water caress my body as I washed my most intimate parts. The sensation of the wash cloth touching my sensitive clit made me moan. I'm no stranger to myself so I continued to satisfy my greedy clit. It got so good I had to hold on to the wall. I got so far into it I was screaming my own name. The twins walked in to find me tearing my kitty up. Laurent went to come help me out but Larry stopped him.
"Ohhhh Nikki fuck right there." I screamed.
"Let her finish that shit sexy as hell."
As I felt my orgasm coming I rubbed more vigorously. My legs buckling beneath me. I fell to my knees as cum squirted onto the shower wall.
"Oh fuckkkkk." I screamed as I slid down the wall.
When I open my eyes after I regained composure I saw them staring at me with bad intentions.
Oh shit I was really counting on taking a nap.
As if he could read my mind Larry said "no worry mon belle us leave you alone for now." He said blowing me a kiss.
I breathed a breath of relief. I was tired as hell. After handling my hygiene I slipped on this cute little bra and panties set that I just purchased two days ago but that was immediately ripped from my body.
"Us no say you could put on clothes us said you can rest."
I was kind of mad I was just starting a relationship with that set and it was cut short way to soon.
"I buy you another one belle." Larry smiled.
I curled up under Larry gawd he was so warm and smelled so good. I was out within seconds.
"Awe us little kitten don played herself out." Larry laughed kissing my forehead.
I had to have slept the whole day. When I woke up both twins were missing. I could smell dinner being cooked. Mmmmm that smells yummy I thought.
I put on one of Laurent's shirts thinking he wouldn't rip it off me. As soon as he saw me he ripped it right from my body.
"I said non clothes."
"Okay damn ch- ."
Before I could finish my sentence he had me pinned against the wall in the kitchen his hand around my throat his tongue in my mouth.
"No keep testing me lil girl."
I smirked at him causing him to growl in my ear.
"You think yesterday was something today beast gonna break you in half."
Anybody else that may have scared but my freaked out ass was turned on by it. I licked up the side of his face causing him to sink his teeth into my neck. Damn that was my spot. He looked down at my chest heaving up and down my nipples erected. He pushed everything off the kitchen table and on to the floor. Tracing his tongue from my neck to my breast to my stomach pass my kitty to my thighs. The look in his eyes told me all I needed to know my ass was in trouble. He was about to kill my kitty and Larry was waiting to bury it. He sat me down on the table. Spreading my legs apart standing between them. I wrapped my legs around him as I savagely tore his shirt away from his body.  He kissed me roughly gently biting my lower lip.  Larry had put the food in the oven to keep it warm. Lau lifted my tiny body from the the table as Larry positioned himself on the table. I straddled him and began to ride him.  I rode him so hard we fell through the table. Not letting that stop me I continued to ride him on the kitchen floor. Larry flipped me threshing my insides hitting my spot over and over again. I dug my nails into his back as he sent me into ecstasy. 
He unloaded down my stomach as I flooded the kitchen floor. Laying on top of me gasping for air.
"Damn." I said breathing heavily.
"Is not over yet but eat belle I no want excuses about you being hungry when I fuck you into a coma." Laurent said as he picked me up from the floor. Larry and I stared at the kitchen table and laughed. We stay destroying furniture in here.
" I guess us need new table." Laurent said shaking his head.
We ate in the living room. I felt a chill run through my body. I was cold as hell. Larry wrapped his arms around me.
"You shaking he said as he grabbed the throw blanket wrapping it around my body. I fell asleep while supposedly watching a movie. Larry carried me upstairs and placed me in bed. I was having a good sleep until I was pulled out of it by somebody licking my thighs. It felt so good I didn't care which of my lovers it was I just didn't want them to stop. I opened my eyes and spotted Laurent my body reacted before my mind could even grasp what was happening.
"Any last words before I put you in a coma." He said with the devil im his eyes.

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