The King Of Petty

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After he was done. He went downstairs to watch soccer with Lau. I took that time to shower and sleep. I looked around my bedroom and shook my head. The next time we fuck it's going to be in the backyard. I dragged myself to the guest bedroom. I slept naked. I knew I was asking for trouble but my clit was so fucking sensitive. I dozed off within seconds of laying my head down. I knew it wouldn't be long before Laurent made his way in bed with me.
His petty ass was not gonna let Larry be the only one to plant his seed in me it would be just disrespectfort. Running his finger down my spine. I tried not to react. I was so tired and sore I just wanted sleep.
"I know you no sleep belle."  He whispered in my ear with that thick French accent making my disobedient pussy drip. This bitch is going to be the death of me I thought to myself.
"You greedy kitty want me inside her." He whispered as he stuck his fingers in the puddle between my thighs.
Without warning he rammed his large manhood into me.
"Ayyyeee shit Lauuuu." I cried as he continued  tenderizing what was left of my insides.
"You know you like it Nikki. Scream for Daddy bébé. Let me hear you beautiful voice say my name."
"Aye Laurent mmm Daddy mmmm pleasssse."
"Mmm you so sexy when you moan." He said as he kissed the mark he left on my neck. His tongue sliding down my collarbone.
"Mmmmnm I love you Lau please don't stop."
"I never stop. Cum for me beautiful"
"Mmmmm oh my gawd." I said as he went deeper making my back arch from the bed.
He lift my leg to go even deeper. I began speaking a mixture between English French and Spanish. Rest in Peace my poor Kitty you were loved. I thought to myself as he annihilated her. I couldn't breathe he was literally fucking the air out of my lungs. I clawed at the sheets trying to escape the pain of the pleasure he was giving me.
"Oh shiiiiiiiittttt" I screamed as I came so hard I cried.
My tears driving him to nut all inside of me.
" Now you have both us baby." He said. I was too tired to even protest at the moment I just pulled the blanket around me and went to sleep.
"She really need some rest." Larry said as he watched me sleep.
The next day I really couldn't get out of bed. I was exhausted my pussy was dead to rights. Larry brought me breakfast in bed.
"No worry mon belle I take care of you."
"She no need you take care her she got me."
"You horrible for taking care of her." Larry said as he fed me.
"You no have to do anything today but rest." Laurent said running his fingertips through my hair. I cooed at his touch it was so relaxing. I laid my head back down and closed my eyes. I can't remember the last time we went at it like this. I laid on my tummy. Larry massaged all the kinks out of my neck and back. I let them pamper me. Why not it was these two friggas fault I was in this condition in the first place. Laurent ran me a bath in the guest bedroom because there were people coming and going fixing or replacing everything we destroyed in the past two days. Larry watched as I struggled to get out of bed. He couldn't take watching me in pain so he picked me up and carried me to the bathtub. Placing me inside the warm welcoming water. I sat the and soaked until my skin wrinkled. I let out the water and and stood to take a shower. I washed my hair and my body thoroughly. Once I was done I dried my body. I wrapped a towel around my body and hair.
I brushed my teeth and exited the bathroom. I sat on the bed and brushed my hair. I put on deodorant and laid back down. It took me less than 5 seconds to fall asleep again. I slept all that day and all night all the way into the next afternoon. I woke up feeling semi refreshed. Laurent and Larry were still asleep. I cuddled up against the both of them and closed my eyes falling right back to sleep. Later that evening it was right back into the fray.

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