Beauty and The Thugs

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His undeniable swag made me drip as he pinned my arms above my head. His lips touching mine as his tongue pushed them apart. The taste of the essence that is him. His hands  sliding from my wrist and down the frame of my body. Soft moans forced from my lips as he parted my thighs and massaged them his kisses moving from my lips down my neck down my chest and on to my stomach. His tongue sliding from my naval and down into my ache making my back arch from the bed. He grabbed my hips pulling me closer to his hungry mouth.
" Mmmm Larry. " I moaned as he inserted his fingers making my kitty wetter. As my body began to squirt he entered my opening with force the feeling he gave was one never felt before. His thrusts hard yet gentle as he stared into my eyes I got lost. His eyes taking a hold of my being. My body no longer under my control but his to command. His hand stroking my sweat saturated hair.
"Open you eyes Mon amour I want for see you pain you pleasure. I want for see you soul.
I want for hear you scream my name."
The minute my eyes opened I came again. His thrusts a little faster a little harder. I dug my fingers into his back leaving scratches down it as he continued to pound my swollen opening. "Please Lar-amour please I'm cum-oh gawd mmmm don't sttt-yass."
I couldn't form a sentence he had me running like I was in the Olympics.
"Say my name Niqua" he said he knows when he say my name like that it sends me over the edge.
"Non I want for you say my whole name."
"Good girl now cum for Daddy."
With that he released as did I making a complete mess of the both of us. We laid sated in our lust. I put my head on his chest before falling into a deep sleep I said "l love you Larry."
"I love you too Nikki until day past forever." With that I closed my eyes and let sleep take a hold of me.
I woke up the next day refreshed but famished. I drowsily walked down the steps wiping sleep from my eyes.
"Buenos Morning mon Belle." I heard a cheerful voice say. I couldn't help but smile at that bunny smile.
"Buenos Morning." I said giving up on him ever saying it correctly."
I went to sit at the table but was pulled in the other direction by strong hands.
"You no say Buenos Morning to me." Laurent said kissing me on my shoulder. I tried to contain the moan forcing it's way out of my mouth. I didn't want no trouble this morning. He continued to kiss down my spine. It was inevitable my knees buckled as his hands reached my treasure box. My head falling against his ripped physique. Spinning my body to face him he lifted my tiny frame walking me towards the nearest wall pinning my arms to it giving him perfect access to my erected nipples taking one into the warmth of his mouth making my back arch from the wall. His teeth gently grazing it making my body release down both of our legs. His tongue continued down my my quivering body as my head fell back. Letting my arms go he put his around my waist as I wrapped mines around his neck sledding me onto his engorged member. Once again my back against the wall as he fucks me with long deep strokes. One hand reaching up to pull my hair back so he could devour my neck. Crashing up against the wall knocking pictures down. His hand kisses the globes of my ass bringing tears to my eyes. My head falling forward to his shoulder as his thrusts intensify within my womb. He growls in my ear his breath tickling my ear drum. My body once again cums to his demanding dick. He began to whisper in my ear a mixture of creole and french making me soak him once again. His fingers sliding down my back and into my ass his fingers and his manhood in sync with one another. Without missing a thrust he walks us to the living room laying me down on the carpet. Lifting my leg to his shoulder pushing himself deeper into my saturated vagina each thrust making my back arch a little more. He devours my lips as I try to moan. He thrusts so deep I feel him in my throat cutting off my vocabulary. His finger nails dig into my hips as his speed increases and his movements constrict he cums inside me on me and the carpet then collapse. I was breathless maybe next time my ass will remember to say Buenos morning.

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