Nikki's Dilemma

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I woke up this morning with an attitude. I don't know why I am so angry or moody but I was. I was also hungry as hell. I got out of bed stretched and walked down stairs. The smell of whatever was being cooked made me queasy. I turned and ran back up the steps heading straight to the bathroom.
Oh hell no I thought I am not pregnant. Before I could form another thought I was emptying more of the contents of my stomach out. I sat up against the toilet trying to regain composure.
Larry entered the bathroom and sat on the floor next to me.
"You okay belle?"
"No I think I might be- oh gawd" before I could finish my sentence I was bent over the toilet again.
Now Laurent and Larry both were in the bathroom. Laurent holding my hair as Larry rubbed my back. They looked at each other confused and concerned
. They helped me to the tub and turned on the water. After cleaning my body and getting dressed we head out to the pharmacy. Once we got back home I took the test the twins pace back and forth waiting for the results.
"No no no no." I say not believing the results in front of my face.
"What?" They ask in unison.
"I'm pregnant."
They both smiled both claiming to be the father. All that floated through my head was Maury here we come.
It was our first doctor's appointment. I sat in the waiting room nervous as hell. Larry and Laurent argued back and forth in french about the gender of the baby. It seems like these pregnancy hormones been having me hornier than usual. I sat staring at the two of them with the most nastiest lust filled thoughts circulating around in my head. I closed my eyes and let my imagination take over. I imagined the two of them taking me in the most savage way on one of those hospital beds. I heard my name being called pulling me out of my thoughts. When I opened eyes the twins were staring at me with bad intentions.
"You non hear us call for you mon belle?" Larry asked.
I shook my head no. I was about to say something but the nurse was now calling my name. Laurent helped me from my seat and walked me over to the nurse. The nurse took my vitals and asked me to be seated in the waiting room. Once again I was lost in my head. This time I was wondering the same question that has been floating around in my head for days. Whose baby is this. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't hear the doctor calling for me.
"Aniqua Martinez" the doctor called again.
I finally got up and walked towards the doctor. We exchanged pleasantries as the four of us walked to the back.
The doctor glanced at Larry and Laurent. I sat there with an uneasy look on my face.
"So which one of you is the father."
The twins exchanged looks then said "Us both are."
A slight smile crept upon the doctor's face.
"Just couldn't choose huh?"
I gave off a nervous chuckle.
"Don't worry if I was in your shoes I would be the same way."
This doctor was hella cool.
"Ms. Martinez are you aware you are 2 months pregnant?"
I shook my head no.
"You may want to brace yourself for the next thing I'm about to say."
That kinda frightened me.
"Are you aware that you are carrying quadruplets?"
The look on my face must have spooked volumes.
"You mean to tell me I'm carrying four babies?"
"Yes which also means in a couple of months you will be on bed rest. No strenuous activity."
"Us non understand."
"It mean non sex until after babies come. It mean Nikki gonna have for stat in bed." Laurent said sadly.
I wanted to kill both of them quadruplets my poor body. The doctor continued to talk giving the guys instructions on how to keep me and the babies healthy.
After our doctor's visit we went out to eat. The twins order me enough food to feed a football team.
"Eat Mon petit you eat for five now." Larry said feeding me.
After leaving the restaurant we went home.
I was beat I went upstairs to lay down. The twins followed me to the bedroom. Larry massaged my feet as Laurent massaged cocoa butter into my abdomen. I could get use to this I thought to myself. I laid cooing at each touch of their hand. All this rubbing was starting to make horny. I looked at the two of them with hunger in my stare. I needed them to fulfill the ache between my thighs.
Larry and Laurent looked hesitant.
"Us non know Nikki doctor say no streni ugh whatever the word is activity."
"No she said soon you guys think I'm fat don't you?" I burst out in tears.
"Non us non say that." Larry said kissing my cheek.
"You beautiful."Laurent said.
Oh Lord I thought to myself I'm going to be an emotional wreck for awhile. My thought process was interrupted by tongue moving slowly up my thighs. As it reached my aching clit my eyes rolled back.
"Mmmmm" I moaned. I closed my eyes as another tongue entered my opening. As one entered the other exited. The precision so lethal. I dug my fingers deep into the bed as I felt my body being pulled closer. I screamed a mixture of their name as I was climaxing. Even after they weren't done they continued to eat me like I was their last meal. Once they were satisfied I was soaked. Larry went to run me a bath. After he was done he carried me to the bath tub while Laurent cleaned up our mess. After washing me from head to toe they took turns oiling and massaging my body both kissing my baby bump. Laying between the two of them sleep finally claimed me. The twins wrapping their arms around me following suit.
The twins took what the doctor said seriously I wasn't allowed to do anything. When I opened my eyes Larry had already brought breakfast to me. He cooked more food than I was able to eat. I sat nibbling on the fruit that he brought up stairs.
"No time for nibbles mon belle you need to eat for babies be strong."  Laurent said firmly.
"It's too much I whined."
"Us non care if you non gonna listen us call Maman to come from Paris."
I rolled my eyes at the both of them they were irking my last nerve. When I looked up both of them stared at me lustfully.
"If you non were pregnant I would have you over my knee so fast begging for mercy." Larry said with the devil in his eyes.
Lord knows I would welcome it.
Laurent stacked pillows behind me so I could sit up. I looked down at my swollen feet and tears filled my eyes.
"Why you crying amour?" Larry asked.
"Because I look like an hippo."
The twins try to hold in their laughter.
"Are you laughing at me." I sobbed even louder.
Laurent wrapped his arms around me.
"Non cry amour." He said while simultaneously slapping Larry upside his head. My emotional state was irritating me. I tried to get up but the twins looked at me like I was crazy.
"I gotta pee." I said as I struggled to get off the bed. The twins once again tried to contain their laughter. They both came to my aide helping me off the bed and to the bathroom. After I was irritated by the fact that I couldn't get up by myself. It was so damn tiring carrying all these babies at one time. Since I was already in the bathroom I got in the shower. Even though I was pregnant they still craved me. The water dripping against my baby bump felt relaxing. It didn't take long for them to join me. My body craving them more than usual. I wanted them to fill my womb with the monsters between my legs. Laurent touched me with the most gentle touch making me melt from the inside out. Larry's tongue traveling down my breast stopping to leave kisses on my belly. His kisses gradually began to move further south. My body tingled as his tongue made contact with my ache I grabbed a hand full of his hair immediately squirting in his mouth but I needed more I needed to feel them inside me. At first they hesitated but then finally gave in entering me ever so gentle from both ends. I wanted to grab him by the face and tell him to fuck Heaven and Earth out of me but I knew it would be asking too much. They were so afraid of hurting us that it took all the excitement out of sex. I let them get their bearings off after they washed me from head to toe. Larry stepped out coming back with a towel he wrapped it around my body as Laurent helped me out the shower. He helped me get on the bed and pulled out the cocoa butter. Larry took the bottom half of my body starting with my toes kissing each one. My head fell back against the pillow. One by one slipping the into his mouth his pillowy lips sucking them. To add to the mix Laurent trailed his tongue along my neck line the sensation sent me over the edge as I came so hard I thought my water broke.
"Naughty belle us just all clean now us gotta go back for get clean."
I'm so tired it seems like there is no correct way to lay. I have babies everywhere. In my back, in my sides in my stomach. I can barely walk I'm so big. I rolled out of bed because one of these babies were on my bladder. I waddled to the bathroom as fast as my swollen feet would carry me. I made it by the skin of my teeth. I tried to get back up but couldn't. Fuck I thought stuck on the toilet again. I screamed for Larry and Laurent praying that one of them heard me. They sleep so hard and so damn long lately. Twenty minutes passed and I still was stuck on the damn toilet. Fuck it I said as I grabbed on to the sink praying I didn't break it. It took me a whole 15 minutes to get up. I figured since I was already in the bathroom minds well shower. As I waddled to the shower I caught a glimpse of myself in the full length mirror and immediately broke down. I was fucking enormous. Larry ran into the bathroom to see why I was crying. I pointed to the image in the mirror. He tried to comfort me but I pushed him away blaming him and Laurent for doing this to me. He tried to leave I cried even harder.
"Why you leaving?" I sobbed.
"You say you non want me to touch you." He said looking confused.
"Just admit it you don't love me anymore because I'm fat."
"Bébé that's non true." He said wrapping his arms around me as I cried into his abdomen.
"I'm sorry it's these babies they are making me crazy."
He laughed as he helped me undress and get into the shower he got in with me. I leaned up against his slender body as he caressed my huge belly. Larry was convinced we were having all boys Laurent thought otherwise. He turned me towards him and bent down on his knees kissing my belly. I felt little hands and feet moving about reacting to their fathers love. All of a sudden I felt a pain so intense it brought me to my knees. I screamed in agony as the pain intensified. Larry was very scared he screamed for Lau who came running into the bathroom.
"Call the ambulance." I managed to say through labor breaths.
Lau called the ambulance as Larry held my hand. Another pain hit me and I nearly broke his hand. My water broke.
Oh shit I thought ready or not these babies are coming.......
To be continued

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