Did I remember to thank you!

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It was time to return back home. It was bitter sweet though I am going to miss Guadeloupe I missed home too. I wasn't ready for the drama though that I had to deal with when I got home. The situation with Vixen was far from over. I love that girl like my sister even if she hurts me. I packed up all of our things up and went about the beach house cleaning it. Larry and Laurent watched lustfully as I moved about. I felt their gaze burning a hole into my body. I decided to put on a show for them. While washing the counters down I danced seductively. My eyes never leaving theirs.
"You non want for tease us Belle." Larry said
"Is non going end well for you." Laurent finished.
I continued to seductively clean as the twins watched. I really owed Laurent some time because I never got to thank him. I walked over to him grabbing his shirt pulling him with me.
"We'll be back" I said as we continued to the room. I walked to the bathroom turning on the shower letting the steam fill the room. Seductively I stripped beckoning Laurent to follow me into the shower. Once in the shower he lifted me against the wall devouring my neck. Whispering in my ear "us going be here for while." His mouth traveled slowly to mine kissing me with so much passion I came accidently. He lifted my body to his shoulders licking the cum from my thighs.
" Mmmm Belle you taste so good."
Curious as to what he thought I tasted like I asked.
"You taste like candies and apples." With that said he dived into my kitty his tongue hitting my spot making me scream his name loudly. He inserted his fingers for extra effect.
"Sing for me ma cherie." He said as I slid down his body to his engorged member. Once I felt the ground under my feet I greedily attacked his dick sucking on as if it had a cure in it. His head fell back as profanities left his soft plump lips. He began to thrust pumping in and out of my mouth at the speed of light. His dick hit the back of my throat causing me to gag. Laurent gripped the back my head pushing himself even further in my mouth making me tears fall from my eyes. He finally relented not wanting to cum. I greedily sucked air back into my lungs. As he helped me from the shower floor I couldn't help but stare into those soul stealing brown eyes. I was lost as he carried me to the bed. He gently laid me down spreading my legs apart he entered my pulsating opening making me clench his member. His eyes never leaving mine his lips stealing my moans before I can make them. He continued to thrust into me making my body cum and shake over and over again. My fingers digging into his back as I released again. Laurent made love to me for hours upon hours. Finally climaxing in my womb and collapsing onto bed next to me. He wrapped me up in his arms calming my shaking body.
"I love you mon amour now and a day past forever." He said kissing my lips.
Tears dropped from eyes as he bared his soul to me.
"I love you so much my  shining beast in backwards pants. I always will for eternity."
It was an amazing Christmas but I was so happy to turn the key to my own house. The smell of vanilla rushed out as I opened the door. I immediately ran upstairs and took a shower. I hate airplanes I always feel dirty after getting off them. I stood underneath the mist of the water as it caressed my body. A feeling came over me to touch myself one so strong I couldn't deny it. My manicured fingers traveled slowly down my body finding my ache pulsating I caressed my need slowly as the water continued to fall against my tempting skin. Soft moans escaping my lips as my fingers moved faster. My moans becoming louder and louder as the sensation rushed through my veins then back through my body. I didn't notice the twins standing watching me play with their favorite place in the world. My eyes closed my head thrown back as my fingers drowned in the saturation coming from my waterfall. Finally my orgasm exploded all over me and the shower wall dripping down my legs and down the drain. I regained my composure and opened my eyes the twins stared at me with the most lustful look I ever seen.
"That was sexy as fuck." Larry said as he walked closer to the shower.
Laurent agreed as he grabbed a towel. Larry lifting me from the shower and Laurent wrapping a towel around my body. Larry carried me to our California king bed drying my body and hair. Laurent grabbed my brush and the lotion. Larry moisturized my body from head to toe as Laurent brushed my hair braiding it into one single long braid. He thinks it makes me look like Pocahontas. After pampering me they begin to strip. I knew it was coming but at least I was ready for it this time.
Larry gave me that oh so sexy evil smirk. "I get you first mon petit and you know is no mercy with me.
"Oh lawd" I said smiling.

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