Merry Sexmas Belle

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Christmas! The time of year I anticipate the most. The time of year my kings cater to my every need. The only thing I’m worried about is that Vixen has been calling me since the night we had the foursome. I don't know what she wants to talk about but I decided to invite her over to talk while the twins are out grocery shopping for Christmas dinner. Even though I forgave them I don't trust her around them. Whatever it is she better apologize for doing that shit behind my back. Had she just told me I would have continued to invite her for fun days when I was feeling a little extra freaky. There she is now.
I answered the door with a slight attitude. "Make it quick I'm busy."  I said as I walked back to the living room. Through all that was going on I still had love for Vixen she was still my bestie. I should have known better, Larry and Laurent are fine as hell and they know it. It's easy for a person to risk their entire friendship just to have a second of their attention. Vixen took a deep breath and began to speak.
I’m not gonna beat around the bush. I came to apologize for what happened last time we saw each other. It’s just that Larry made me feel alive again. You know how bad my ex fucked me up. It was nice to be paid attention to for once. The way he fucked both my mind and body I can’t even explain it. Lau was good but I was more so drawn in by the dominance Larry demanded just with one look. If you never speak to me again I truly understand.”
“I understand but I wished you would have told me that instead of going behind my back. I accept your apology just don’t try that shit again. It’ll be awhile before I invite you back to play with us though. You need to learn self control.”
“Who better to teach her than us mon amour.” Said Larry with a smirk.Ah hell they heard us.
“I don't know bro I think Nikki should make that decision it is her friend.”
“Non Nikki invite her in the first place so this her punishment as well Vixen just won’t be playing. Now both of you strip and Vixen stay put no cumming no sounds no moving. You want for play again obey my orders.” “What about dinner.” Nikki asked.
“That non important right now belle we have bigger problem to deal with now.” Lau said seeing what Larry was doing." Even though Laurent knew Larry loved Nikki. It was something about Vixen that made him lose control.
Laurent cleared the table in one swipe, Larry plopped Nikki flat on her back sliding her up it so her head hung, he moved to her head grabbing her legs, spreading them wide for Laurent “Bro enjoy your meal”, without hesitation Laurent dived into Nikki’s wonting ache, one hand sliding up her body to an erected nipple, the other, fingers diving into her ass “Open your mouth” Larry demanded, Nikki did as asked, Larry slid in balls deep, all the while his eyes fixed on Vixen, she was fighting her demons trying not to move from the porn show. A calm came over her and she moaned, Laurent and Larry stopped and looked at her. They knew she did that deliberately.
"Us say no moaning fille." Larry said looking at her intensely.  "Do that again and you can leave." Laurent said. Laurent didn't like the idea of Vixen being there he didn't like doing anything that would cause Nikki pain and when he looked in her eyes that's what he saw. She meant more to him then almost anything in the world. Larry loved Nikki just as much but his dominant side takes over his brain sometimes. Nikki on the other hand would do anything to make them happy even if deep inside it hurt her. Laurent looked and saw how truly difficult this was for me. No matter how hard I tried to hide it. He always knew my emotional state. He bent and whispered in my ear. "Us love you mon petit. No get upset ok." He kissed me gently easing my mind.
Laurent quickly moved to Patro removing the blindfold from his eyes and turning him to face the corner of the sofa patting his head “Bro shall we decorate” sliding out a box from a cupboard.
“Sit up belle, you gonna want to see this” Larry said as he moved to Vixen, Nikki slid about sitting up
“Wh-whats in the box?” Vixen stuttered out. “You will see” Laurent and Larry said as Laurent gagged her with the blindfold" 
On the table next to Nikki, Laurent places a belled collar and leash. 2 red and green decorative arm and 2 red and green leg restraints. A red silk blindfold. A belled leather belt for Nikki's waist, and a set of leather antlers. And lastly, 2 santa hats, one for himself and one for his brother.  Larry smirks wickedly thinking of all the fun they will have, giving the woman they love a very merry Christmas. 
Laurent looks over at Larry. Larry tilts his head beckoning his brother to bring what is left in the box. 
Laurent offers the contents of the box to his brother. Larry removes 2 arm and leg restraints, identical to Nikki's. 
"Laurent and I feeling generous. Since you having problem no moving. We help you."
Laurent puts the box down and helps his brother restrain Vixen to the chair. When they are finished they move on to Nikki, kissing and caressing every place before they place their merry decor there. 
"Sexiest fucking reindeer I have ever seen." Laurent whispers against her lips before kissing her. Larry kisses her as well.
Vixen continued to watch the twins. The way they looked at Nikki and catered to her kind of made her jealous. How was it that she was able to hold the attention of two men when most women couldn't even keep the attention of one. But then again Nikki was sexy as hell. It wasn't hard to see why Larry and Laurent was so attracted to her. As the twins continued to pleasure Nikki making her moan the urge to play with herself came over her. Shit she thought I'm restrained to this chair. I looked over at my bestie feeling a bit sorry for her. I knew that Vixen needed to feel loved again her ex really did a number on her. I called Larry over to me and whispered in his ear. "I give you permission to fuck her she really needs it. But keep in mind you belong to me." I said adding "she can cum but you better not you cum for only me." He kissed my lips and head over to Vixen. Laurent looked down at me and smiled "that was very nice amour for that I got something special for you."
Once Larry got to Vixen he removed the gag from her mouth. “If you suck me good enough I’ll allow you to make noise.” and with that he grabbed her face and shoved his dick in her mouth. She slurped on his dick flicking her tongue on it as he thrusted into her mouth. She hallowed her cheeks swirling her tongue around his thick member so her entire tongue was wrapped around it. “Shit!” Larry moaned as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He was about to cum if she kept this up and Nikki said he couldn’t so he pulled out. He dropped to his knees and slapped her pussy a few times then spit on it. “You can moan wizard mouth.” Lau laughed as he continued to eat Nikki. Larry shoved his tongue deep inside Vixen immediately hitting her spot. Her legs began to shake immediately as he flicked his tongue inside her adding his fingers to the mix rubbing her clit. “Eyes on my brother slut.” Lau said smirking knowing the sight of his brother pleasing her would make her squirt.
I smacked Lau upside his head. 
"Ow what that for?" 
I looked at him laughing "Be nice."
"I am being nice." He said kissing my thighs. 
"Don't call her a slut that's rude." 
He laughed hysterically as he kissed my lips. I glanced over at Vixen the smile that spread across her face was priceless. She looked back at me mouthing the words "thank you." 
Hey as much as I hate the thought of him touching someone other than me it was Christmas and she really need it. Laurent interrupted my thoughts by placing his tongue right on my clit erasing anything that was remotely on my mind. I moaned as I grabbed a hand full of his hair. Even though Laurent was funny about his hair it turned him on when I did it other than Larry I was the only one allowed to pull his hair. Laurent had me calling out to the Heavens as his masterful tongue continued to school my greedy kitty.

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