Wetter than water.

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I woke up the next morning entangled between Larry and Laurent. My body aching and my bladder was screaming at me. Once I freed myself I hurried I hurried off to the bathroom I can't believe we fucked for 18 hours straight. What in the hell was I thinking. As flashbacks replayed in my mind I smiled it was worth the pain I was in this morning. I climbed back into bed and their morning wood was starting to rise. Sweet holy Jesus. I thought. Wicked, lustful, sinful thoughts ran through my head even though my body was in so much pain but I was willing take the risk. I felt a kiss on my spine.
"Morning mon amour." Laurent said still wiping sleep from his eyes.
I turned to face him "mmmmmm good morning baby."
Larry felt the shifting of my body and kissed the nape of my neck softly.
"Mmmmm stop I need a shower."  I wiggled from between the two and walked to the bathroom in our bedroom. I turned on the hot water letting steam fill the entire room before getting in. To tell the truth it was a welcomed feeling at the moment. I slid into the oversized jacuzzi tub and let the water ease my aching body.  I was soon joined by both of my lovers. Laurent lifted my body as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Larry kissed down my spine as I softly whimpered from the warmth of his lips and the water. The twins took turns kissing my lips. Laurent quickly turned my body  holding me in a sitting position. Larry smiled as licking his lips he dipped his head between my legs. His tongue moving slowly up my thigh travelling to the spot that made me drip like a popsicle on a hot summer day.
With each lash of his tongue my clit felt more and more sensitive. I tried to close my legs but Laurent had them spread firmly.
Larry continued to dine between my legs once he got his fill. It was  Laurent turn to eat. He handed me off to Larry. He held me in the same manner as Lau did.
I screamed for mercy as his tongue swirled around in my pussy.
"Ayyyeee please papi." I begged.
"Shhhh Belle." Larry said kissing my lips I could taste myself on his tongue. Damn I taste good I thought. I came like a waterfall as the water washed my orgasm down the drain.
"Mmmmm you taste so good bébé."
They weren't playing fair I wanted to return the favor but they wouldn't let me.
"I have for go to cook" Larry said.
I rolled my eyes at them as they laughed hysterically.
"Us continue from last night after us feed you."
"How bout you feed me now." I growled
"You need for eat real food us burnt a lot of energy last night."
"Okay." I reluctantly agreed.
I washed my body and got out the shower wrapping a towel around me. I sat in the room moisturizing my body then finally throwing on a pair of shorts and a tube top.
As Larry prepared breakfast I sat with my knees to my chest. I was so satisfyingly exhausted. My kitty still tingling from the feast in the shower. Lau pulled me from my seat and sat in it he pulled me back down on his lap.
"What does mon belle want for eat?" Larry asked
I smiled wickedly " I'll take a order of you with a side of him."
They both shook their head and laughed.
"You non get enough do you?" Lau said as he let his tongue play between my lips.
"Mmmmm." I moaned as our lips separated.
"I want play too." Larry said as he turned off the food. He walked over to Laurent and I his soldier  standing at full tension. My mouth began to water as he got closer. As soon as he was within mouth reach I sucked him into my mouth like I was a black and Decker vacuum.
Bobbing my head back and forth slowly twirling my tongue around his dick as I continued to dine on him. Laurent aroused by the sight of me orally pleasing Larry grabbed a fist full of my hair pushing my mouth further down his brothers delicious pole. His dick kept hitting the back of my throat causing me to gag.
"Oh shit right there non stop bébé I almost there."
A sudden rush ran across me as I sucked harder. I felt his body jerk as his hot warm fluid coated my throat. Larry fell back into the chair.
"Damn girl." He said gasping for air.
I wiped my mouth as I took a few deep breathes. It was now Laurent turn. Laurent was still seated in his chair when I entered his member into my mouth. I did everything the same way I did Larry. He moaned loudly as I pleasured him. Larry recovering from his orgasm entering me from behind. His thrusts so powerful it sent Laurent further into my throat.
"Fuck yeah bébé non stop."
As he let his seed run down my throat Larry let his explode on my back. I sat on the floor breathless.
Once able to form words Larry said "us should really eat us going to need all the energy us can get."

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