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  (Update, so I wrote this about a year ago and realised how poop it is, so sorry for any grammatical errors or cringy parts lol)
Hello! Thanks for choosing to read my story. This is my second fanfiction, my first being written on my iPad and not published. I have never published any books before to the public view so I'm very ecstatic that people will be reading this. I am currently 13 (edit-now 14- nope 15 hehe) as I'm writing this and also listening to classical music because why not?
Lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and that it's not too random 💙💙 Looking back on this I realise that I don't explain how crazy it actually gets lol so it may start a bit meh but gets better because I'm actually planning it out. Anyway, enjoy! ℹ️⭕️⛎

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