Chapter 16 (Sherlock's POV)

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"Sherlock? Sherlock!" I hear a muffled voice as I feel my body being shaken desperately. It takes me a while to process what is happening as the effects of my drug overdose is in action. My eyelids flutter open slightly as a blurred figure towers over me. "Oh, thank God! Sherlock, can you hear me?" Comes the distinct voice again. "J-John...?" I mutter tiredly. "Sherlock! It's me!" John says starting to prop me up against a pillow. I'm extremely bewildered. I notice that John has been crying, and still is. "Why did you do this to me Sherlock? My-our daughter is out there!" He croaks. Rosie! "John...I'm sorry. It was necessary. I think I know what happened to her. I was in my mind palace. Call Mycroft...bring him here." I say groggily. "For God's sake Sherlock. You're as high as a bloody kite!" John yells annoyedly. "Sorry I- just call Mycroft." I say grabbing onto John's hand. "I'll be fine. I just need to rest." I tell him reassuringly.

"Sherlock, we have been keeping tabs on all of Rosie's security. We even checked the school cameras but they have been wiped from that day. However, we did find footage from the previous week." Informs Mycroft, twisting his umbrella around as he sits on the sofa. "Show me." I demand, grabbing my laptop from off the table and lifting up the lid. Mycroft pulls out a memory stick from within his jacket pocket and hands it over to me, I plug it in to my laptop. Security footage of the school is displayed on the screen, each from different areas of interest. I start with footage from a month ago down the south corridor. The video shows Rosie being kicked and punched by a group of girls. "Bloody hell. She never told me it was this bad." Says John in disgust. I turn up the volume of my laptop and hear the loud yells of a teacher running down the hall. This 'teacher' is Moriarty in disguise with blonde hair and glasses. "Oh my God. You were is Moriarty." Expresses John in horror as Mycroft looks worrisome at the footage. I stay silent as I watch Moriarty heave Rosie up into his arms. "It's okay, they're gone now. I've got you, I'm Mr Woodbridge." He tells her in a London accent similar to the one he used when dating Molly. "Of course." I remark unimpressed. Skipping over to the next video, I see an overlook of a first aid room. Sitting on the chair holding an ice pack to her cheek is Rosie and opposite sits Jim. They chat for a little while as Rosie tells him that she has maths tutor in which Jim says that he's who will be teaching her. Rosie asks if she can still do it with him in which he replies 'sure, if you are able to'. "What a monster..." Mutters John. The next footage shows Jim and Rosie sitting in classroom 223 doing maths work together. Rosie is talking about the cases which we have solved and Jim acts intrigued. This goes on for a while until the footage ends. "Is that it?" I question Mycroft. "Yes. The other footage as I said has been wiped. Now Sherlock, remember the secret information that you tried to retrieve for me?"
"The information has been linked to your daughters disappearance which means that Moriarty may be in possession of them."
"I'll find them when I find her." I say sternly to Mycroft looking directly at him from the top of my laptop. "Wait. Whilst me and Rosie were at St Bart's, Molly told me that she had gone to see Mr Woodbridge which means that Moriarty was there. I need to go visit Molly now. John grab your coat, we're going to St Bartholomew's. Thanks for the help Brother Dear." I say putting my laptop to a side and getting up. " I won't be joining you." Admits Mycroft, getting up and straightening his jacket. "Fine. You go do your thing." Says John zipping up his coat. Mycroft looks at him coldy then struts down the stairs. I grab my coat and tie up my blue scarf around my neck. "Let's go."

"Sorry I-I didn't realise that it was Jim. I just got told by his colleague Sebastian." Molly says worriedly. "Do you know where his office is?" I ask her. "Yes, it's this way." She says opening the door for me and John. We follow her down a few hallways and up a flight of stairs. We are on the 4th floor. Molly leads us to a door at the side of the corridor which is embedded with the name 'Mr Woodbridge'. I open the door and step in to a tidy office full of some science equipment and a desk with a work surface. Working my way across the room, I sit down in the comfortable desk chair and switch on the computer. It doesn't require a passcode. I scour through all the files until I find one labelled 'Dead flower'. Fearfully, I click on 'open'. It's the missing footage. Well that was easy. Then again, I'm guessing he wants me to see. "John, it's the missing footage." I say beckoning him over. He joins me as I click play. It's exactly how it was like in my mind palace. Moriarty's excuse for leaving the room was a phone call, how inconvenient once again. I turn to John as he watches the screen in horror and I place my hand on top of his comfortingly. After Rosie collapses near the desk, Moriarty comes strolling in tutting. "Dear me Miss Watson, dear me." He says, his Irish accent echoing throughout the class. Using the last of her remaining strength, Rosie turns over to face him. "Mr Woodbridge, what are you doing?" She asks weakly before falling unconscious. "Sweet dreams Miss Watson." Is Moriarty's only reply. The footage cuts. Molly has her hands over her mouth in shock and John is starting into the distance sadly and expressionless. "John, we'll find her. I know Moriarty, he won't kill her. I'm guessing he's after this secret information and a spot of fun." I explain calmly to him. He continues to look out into the distance not making a sound.

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